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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Art Studio hosts the International Exchange Exhibition
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju Art Studio (Director Lee Sang-bong) plans to open the International Exchange Exhibition based on a MOU with the French L’H du Siège and local artists from Wed, Jul. 20-Sun, Aug. 28.

Recommended by L’H du Siège, Pascal Pesez moved to the Studio in May and plans to host the exhibition “là où sommeillent les forms” on the first floor of the Cheongju Art Studio. Through the exhibition, he plans to present 53 pieces of paintings and drawings that he has worked on for three months while staying in Cheongju. His works are reminiscent of the European abstraction lyrique style of the 20th century and will evoke a variety of perspectives from the audience.

Artist Park Gye-hoon, who plans to move to the Studio in September as a representative of Cheongju, will host the exhibition “STILL LIFE ALSO DIE” at the Window gallery and the second floor of the Studio. The artist plans to show his works through a variety of genres, from paintings to installation art using his paper cutting techniques. His new works to be presented at the exhibition are especially noteworthy, given that different colors were used, instead of achromatic colors.

A related event will be held at 2 PM on Wed, Jul. 20, in the lobby of the Art Studio, giving the audience a chance to have a conversation with Pascal Pesez and Park Gye-hoon regarding their artworks and overall thoughts.

“The International Exchange Exhibition will serve as an opportunity to reaffirm the capability of the artists who represent the two organizations, as we aim to break barriers so that artists in the region and the Art Studio can easily find opportunities home and abroad through the network project,” said a city official.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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