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Title Cheongju Completes Installation of Lights for Night Sceneries Along Myeongam Resort Trails
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju Completes Installation of Lights for Night Sceneries Along Myeongam Resort Trails
- Come to Myeongam Resort at night to enjoy the nighttime sceneries -

The trails along the deck of Myeongam Resort are filled with light.

Cheongju City announced on Jun. 4 that they installed lights along the deck trails (670-meter-long barrier-free trails) built around the waters of Myeongam Resort, Sangdang-gu.

The city carried out this project to turn Myeongam Resort—one of Cheongju’s leading leisure spaces within the urban district—into a nighttime attraction for residents and tourists alike.

Last year, Cheongju invested around KRW 1.86 billion to create deck trails in Myeongam Resort; this year, an additional KRW 100 million was spent on adorning the area with nighttime sceneries. The construction of the scenic area began in April and ended in May.

The city built 540 anti-glare floor lights along the deck trails to visualize a nighttime scenery fit for Myeongam Resort’s atmosphere. 59 floodlights in dark places next to trees and shrubs were also installed so that visitors could enjoy the beautiful Myeongam Resort safely, even at night.

The plan is to adjust the lighting hours flexibly according to sunset and turn the lights off by 12 AM to minimize damage to the surrounding vegetation.

“We can utilize the nighttime scenery project in various areas, including tours with accommodation, as well as for our citizens’ leisure activities. Starting with this project, we will continue to create nighttime scenery in tourist attractions such as our city’s major parks and cultural heritage,” a city official said.
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