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Title Guide to Practical Training for Farmers Program 2022
Writer Cheongju
Subject □ Program: Practical training for farmers 2022
□ Period: Mon, Jan. 10–Fri, Jan. 28, 2022

○ Online training
→ How: Log in to NAVER BAND
* Refer to the links below (text message sent upon application)
* Use your real name when signing up at NAVER BAND (training not available if real name is not used)
→ Additional application: Apply via phone at any time (state your name, contact, address, and desired course)
→ Lecture materials: Limited stock; pick up in person (parcel delivery not available)
→ Courses available (18): Rice, sweet potato, potato, chili pepper, summer squash, garlic, onion, watermelon, apple, grapes, peach, shiitake mushroom sawdust, sesame/perilla seed, peanut, blueberry, soil management, agricultural microorganisms, agricultural processing

○ Group training
→ Venue: Cheongsim Hall, Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center
→ Eligibility: All those who applied in advance
→ Application: Call the respective department
→ Requirements
* Participants should write their names in logs, keep an empty seat between themselves, and wear a mask at all times
* Participants should be fully vaccinated (with 2nd or 3rd dose); a negative COVID-19 PCR test result to be confirmed upon entry
→ Courses available (3): Rice, chili pepper, women in farming areas
→ Schedule
* Thu, Jan. 13 at 1:20 PM: Rice
* Mon, Jan. 17 at 1:20 PM: Chili pepper
* Thu, Jan. 20 at 1:20 PM: Women in farming areas (for members of life improvement association)

○ Inquiries: Human Resource Development Team, Support and Planning Division, Cheongju Agricultural Technology Center ☎+82-43-201-3822

○ Video links to NAVER BAND
Rice - https://band.us/n/a1af637cd8j8D
Sweet potato - https://band.us/n/a6a46f72d5b7l
Potato - https://band.us/n/aba7697ddce54
Chili pepper - https://band.us/n/aba5627edbj6S
Summer squash- https://band.us/n/aaaa6979d8Fe3
Garlic - https://band.us/n/aaa06e73daj9B
Onion - https://band.us/n/a0a26b7bd8G5e
Watermelon - https://band.us/n/a9ac6a77daFdK
Apple - https://band.us/n/a7af6b78deF6O
Grape - https://band.us/n/aca76371d0G3f
Peach - https://band.us/n/a6a26c79d2G5w
Shiitake mushroom sawdust - https://band.us/n/a2ab6c74daift
Sesame/perilla seed - https://band.us/n/abac6f77d8hcC
Peanut - https://band.us/n/a9af6575dfGdP
Blueberry - https://band.us/n/a7ac6b7fdbha1
Soil management - https://band.us/n/a8a2687ad6idO
Agricultural microorganisms - https://band.us/n/a2a76f74d3hdt
Agricultural processing - https://band.us/n/aca26078d4i5b
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