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Title Full-scale operation of chatbot service for civil inquiries based on AI KakaoTalk
Writer Information Development Team
Subject Cheongju City has established the chatbot system for civil inquiries based on KakaoTalk and will launch the related service in full scale from December 1. This service will allow any smartphone user to consult with any civil servant anytime, anywhere.

Started on August 30, Cheongju City has conducted analysis of the 365 Minwon Call Center consultation database and manuals through collaboration with other departments. It also selected about 100 types of civil questions frequently asked by civilians in areas of environment and public administrative support in a priority order.

Under this project, civilians may receive a response to their questions through the chatbot service regarding: ▲(Environment/cleaning) Disposal of animal carcasses from road accidents (road kill), various garbage disposal and collection methods, environmental improvement fees and payment methods, and report and permission for food business, etc.; and ▲(Public administrative support) marriage registration, issuance of passport and resident registration (copy), instructions for moving in.

The chatbot services can be used by adding the ‘Cheongju City Minwon Chatbot’ (청주시청 민원상담 챗봇) Channel as a friend on KakaoTalk to receive responses in two ways: 1) Searching the questions or 2) clicking the options.

A spokesperson of Cheongju City said, “The Cheongju City Minwon Chatbot we have developed is still in its infancy and can be used as a service limited to two areas. However, we intend to continuously add contents of civil questions and answers, and thus improve accuracy through usage analysis and machine learning to provide responses to civil questions anytime, anywhere.”

▶Inquiry: Information Development Team of the Information and Communication Division (☎+82-43-201-1323)
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