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Title . Reopening of Cheongju Zoo in line with the Living with COVID-19 policy
Writer Operations Team
Subject Cheongju Land Office announced to reopen all animal-viewing facilities inside the zoo except for indoor area for tropical animals from November 9, following the Living with COVID-19 policy.

In line with level 3 social distancing guidelines introduced on November 29 2020, all facilities inside the zoo were closed to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. However, the zoo is now set to resume with necessary disinfection guidelines in place according to the phased return to normal life.

The zoo will accept admission from Tuesday to Sunday, and is closed on Mondays. Admission hours are from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Before admission, visitors should pass the thermal screening booth, sign the visitor book and disinfect their hands with the hand sanitizer.

In addition, a spokesperson of the zoo explained that due to remodeling, some parts of the zoo may be unavailable, and asked for the kind understanding and cooperation of the residents in advance.

▶Inquiry: Operations Team of the Cheongju Land Office (☎+82-43-201-4883)
이전글 Normal operations of public libraries
다음글 Cheongju Municipal Library is under temporary operation at the old location of Korea Association of Health Promotion in Jibuk-dong, Cheongju