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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Normal operations of public libraries
Writer Operations Team
Subject As of November 8, Cheongju’s public libraries will operate until 10 PM on normal schedules in line with the renewed social distancing guidelines of the phased return to normal life.

However, they will be only open until 6 PM on weekends, while children’s resource rooms and Sinyulbong Children’s Library will only open until 6 PM. Ochang, Gangnae and Oksan Libraries will be open until 6 PM according to their respective renewed guidelines.

Open reading rooms previously reduced operations to one-time visit for four hours a day. However, they will return to normal operations without restrictions from November 8.

In addition, children’s resource rooms will allow visitors to read, borrow and return books. Information resource rooms will increase operations from a one-time visit for four hours a day to a two-time visit. Visitors should bring their own earphones to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

At the library, visitors should keep their masks on, pass the thermal scanner, disinfect their hands with hand sanitizers, scan their QR codes or sign the visitor book and keep a distance of 2 m from others (at least 1 m).

A spokesperson of the libraries said, “Normal operations of the libraries are expected to quench the residents’ thirst to read and make their reading experience more enjoyable. We will rigorously follow COVID-19 safety guidelines to keep the libraries as clean and safe as possible for the residents.

▶Inquiry: Operations Team of the Cheongju Municipal Library (☎+82-43-201-4052)
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