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Title Cheongju City Libraries introduce a KakaoTalk notification service for the first time in the province
Writer Information Team
Subject Cheongju City Libraries introduce a KakaoTalk notification service for the first time in the province
Cheongju city libraries to introduce a KakaoTalk notification service for the first time in the province
- Thirteen public libraries in Cheongju to launch an official book information notification service on May 11 -
In order to provide more accurate and diverse information to all library users, the city of Cheongju is officially launching a KakaoTalk notification service on the 11th.
The city decided to launch the service in response to the increased demand for mobile device-based services driven by the high smartphone ownership rate that exceeds 90%.
The existing notification service using text messages only allowed 45 characters to be sent out at a time. This prevented the delivery of accurate information including the name of book being borrowed and other details such as the expected date of return.
The newly launched notification service using KakaoTalk will be able to support up to 1000 characters, allowing the library administration teams to send detailed information in a more user-friendly way.
Messages that are going to be sent out through the notification service will include general information related to the use of libraries such as book returns, overdue books, book transfers, wish-listed books, reserved books, and so on.
In particular, the new notification service is expected to improve user convenience for the book transfer service which was a popular service during the temporary closure due to COVID-19 as the notification message will now be able to contain the details of the transfer such as the name of the borrowed book, and expected date of arrival, and so on.
In addition, the users will be able to subscribe to the Kakao channel of the Cheongju City Library through the received notification messages to access general information on the library other than book information such as announcements, cultural events, and Cheongju Book Festival, and so on. The service is expected to be a useful tool for both administrators and users.
Meanwhile, the existing text message notification service will continue to be available to those users who are not registered users of KakaoTalk.

▶ Inquiries: Information Team, Cheongju City Library (☎ +82-43-201-4043)
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