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Title Reduction of rent payments on shared properties
Writer Property Management Team
Subject Reduction of rent payments on shared properties
Cheongju-si to reduce rent payments on shared properties
- Offering a 1% reduction in interest rates for 6 months for small business owners -
Cheongju-si is devising a rent payment reduction plan on shared properties (rent and loan payments) in order to reduce the financial burden on small business owners who are experiencing difficulties due to COVID-19.
As the recent revision of ‘The Enforcement Decree on the Shared Property and Product Management Act’ has established legal grounds for reduction of rent payments, Cheongju-si has confirmed its rent payment reduction plan through a review of the Shared Property Deliberation Committee in an attempt to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on the livelihood of the people, and stabilize the economy.
Eligible applicants for the program include people who are using shared property and people who have received profit permits or loans. Through the program, the existing interest rates of 5% will be temporarily reduced for 6 months from February to July.
In addition, small business owners who could not utilize the rented shared properties during the applicable period due to temporary closure of the business and other reasons could have the rent payments waived or extend the rent period by the amount of unused period.
However, shared properties that have not been directly impacted by the COVID-19 crisis such as shared properties for cultivation and residence purposes are excluded from the program.
In order to be eligible for the rent payment reduction plan, applicants must submit an application to the department with whom they established a rent or loan contract. Meanwhile, the Property Management Department is going to review the submitted documents and refund the rent payments that have been already paid back to the applicants’ bank account. For rent payments that have not been paid, the department is going to issue modified bills that reflect the deductions.

▶ Inquiries: Property Management Team, the Department of Accounting (☎+82-43-201-1745)
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