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Title Cheongju-si establishes the first acquisition tax estimation system for land category change
Writer Spatial Information Team
Subject Cheongju-si establishes the first acquisition tax estimation system for land category change

Cheongju-si is launching a system that allows you to estimate the amount of acquisition tax you should pay as a result of land category change. The system is the first of its kind to be launched in South Korea, and will be available through the public portal, ‘Cheongju-si Map-moa ((http://map.cheongju.go.kr/)’.

The ‘acquisition tax estimation system for land category change’ is a service that allows users to retrieve information on the surrounding land that matches the information entered by the user such as the land category, and view the publicly notified individual land price. The user can then use the information to estimate the acquisition tax that will be incurred as a result of land category change.

Land category change refers to changing the purpose of land registered in the cadastral record when licensed constructions have been completed or when the purpose of the building has changed resulting in the change in the land category.

Change in the land category is a matter concerning acquisition tax according to the Local Tax Law, and should be reported and paid within 60 days from the day of land category change due to various development constructions and so on (the approved date of use for new buildings). The tax amount is calculated based on the difference in the publicly notified individual land price before and after the land category change (the date of construction commencement for new buildings).

The tax estimation system was proposed by a city hall staff member who noticed the significant amount of inquiries regarding acquisition taxes incurred by land category changes during his time working at city hall.

A city representative stated, “It is a service that allows people to estimate the amount of tax based on current information of the land surrounding the target area. The estimate could be different from the actual amount of tax that the person should ultimately pay depending on the change in the publicly notified individual land price and individual characteristics of the land. However, we expect that the system will be able to provide a level of assistance to citizens in the management of their properties as we provide special information such as aerial photographs, and so on.”

▶ Inquiries: Spatial Information Team, the Department of Cadastral Information ☎+82-43-201-2672)
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