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Title Cheongju-si launches a special local employment support program to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
Writer Employment Policy Team
Subject Cheongju-si launches a special local employment support program to mitigate the impact of COVID-19

Cheongju-si is currently receiving applications for its special local employment support program. The program is designed to help stabilize the livelihood of small business employees on unpaid leave, workers of special employment types, freelancers, and other social groups who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.

As a measure designed to stabilize the livelihood of social groups who are beyond the reach of the conventional employment safety nets such as employment insurance, Cheongju-si will be granting eligible applicants KRW 25,000 per day (up to KRW 500,000 per month) up to KRW 1 million over two months. The payments will be made via the local currency voucher (Cheongju Pay).

Eligible applicants for ‘the unpaid leave support program for employees of businesses negatively affected by COVID-19’ are employees of businesses that do not employ more than 50 employees, and have partially or completely suspended operations. The workers (members of employment insurance) should also have been on unpaid leave for more than 5 days since the government declared the national threat alert level for infectious disease as ‘severe’ (February 23).

Meanwhile, the ‘COVID-19 blind spot support program for special employment type workers and freelancers’ is a program targeting special employment workers and freelancers (non-members of employment insurance) who have been unable to work for more than 5 days due to the spread of COVID-19 since the above date of when the government declared such national threat alert level.

Detailed information on the eligibility criteria for these programs including the income standards, exemptions, and so on can be found in the announcements page of the official Cheongju City Hall website.

The Cheongju City General Employment Support Center will be receiving applications for the two programs from the 10th until the 20th. The first round of payments will be made in April, and the city will continue to receive applications until the 10th of every month until all of the allocated budget is distributed.

A city representative stated, “In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please apply online to practice social distancing, and refrain from coming to the center, if possible.”

▶ Inquiries: Employment Policy Team, the Department of Employment Support (☎+82-43-201-1361)
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