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Title Cheongju-si to build an exclusive space for school dropouts.
Writer Youth Team
Subject Cheongju-si to build an exclusive space for school dropouts.

Cheongju-si won the public contest held by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family for the construction of exclusive space for school dropouts, securing KRW 70 million in public funding to construct a space that can be used to support school dropouts on career advice and communications with peers.

Recognizing a lack of space which school dropouts can use to continue their academic work, explore career paths, and receive vocational training and more, Cheongju-si has been steadily working on the provision of space to be used by school dropouts.

The city is currently operating support centers for school dropouts (2 locations) in Cheongju and Seocheongju. Reflecting opinions of adolescents who are currently using the support centers, the city plans to construct multi-learning rooms (coding-maker programs, and computer license acquisition programs), educational spaces, content production rooms (one-person broadcasting content production program), and communications rooms (reading, discussion, communications, and resting), and so on.

A city spokesperson said, “Through the new center spaces, we hope to help adolescents who have left school prematurely develop their unique competitiveness, and help them integrate into society. We are going to continue to work hard to realize Cheongju-si where adolescents live happily with an improved quality of life.”
Meanwhile, there are 721 school dropouts in Cheongju, and the total project budget dedicated to the construction of spaces exclusive for those young adults is KRW 100 million.

▶Inquiries: Youth Team, Women and Youth Department (☎+82-43-201-1776)
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