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Title Cheongju-si is ed as an excellent institution in the 2019 local autonomous entity government innovation evaluation.
Writer Policy Evaluation Team, Department of Policy Planning
Subject Cheongju-si is selected as an excellent institution in the 2019 local autonomous entity government innovation evaluation.
In ‘2019 Local Autonomous Entity Government Innovation Evaluation’ held by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, the Cheongju city government was nominated as an excellent institution.
The Government Innovation Evaluation evaluates 242 local autonomous entities through the country based on 14 evaluation criteria in 3 categories including autonomous innovation, innovation performance, and citizens’ direct experience of benefits. In this year, 62 local autonomous entities including the Cheongju city government were nominated as excellent institutions.
As a result of the nomination, the Cheongju city government will be receiving a financial incentive and rewards in the future.
The city established the Cheongju Innovation Action Plan last March, and has been discovering and promoting various innovation projects with a focus on the realization of Cheongju that is trusted through the operation of city affairs based on the key social values of the government, participation and cooperation, and reformation of old customs.
In particular, it received high scores throughout different cases of citizen-centered creative and proactive administration innovation such as the establishment of a bad odor management system, innovating the method of working through space innovation, and formation of Culture Manufacturing Window C.
A city representative said, “All employees will cooperate together to build a platform that can lead to the creation of practical results so that Cheongju can become an excellent innovation institution in the country next year. We will do our best to produce innovative results that a greater number of citizens can experience and benefit from on a daily basis.”

▶Inquiries: Policy Evaluation Team, Department of Policy Planning (☎+82-43-201-1223)
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