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Title Cheongju-si released an announcement for the first round of the international design contest for Cheongju city hall building
Writer City Hall Building Construction Team
Subject Cheongju-si released an announcement for the first round of the international design contest for Cheongju city hall building

On the 6th, the Cheongju city government posted an announcement concerning the international design contest for the Cheongju City Hall building on the Korean On-Line E-Procurement System website and on the official city website.
The Cheongju city hall construction project has reached the current stage of the international design contest going through the necessary administrative procedures in a calm and orderly approach including a general city hall building feasibility study, review on the acquisition of shared property and disaster impact assessment, authorization of enforcement plan according to the NATIONAL LAND PLANNING AND UTILIZATION ACT, and local government finance investment review, and so on.
For the success of the international design contest, the city established a management contract with the Korean Institution of Architects last September to manage the international design contest which is held for the construction of the Cheongju city hall building. Through the contract, a special committee was formed, and through regular discussions, it has been decided that the international design contest will be held in two stages. This is the first case for a local government office building.
In addition, the city has set the city hall building’s symbolism, openness as a public office building, innovation for working space, and accessibility for citizens as the basic design objectives. Hoping to see brilliant ideas and design plans that will also harmoniously address the basic objectives, the city released the guidelines for the design contest.
In order to encourage the participation of as many architects as possible, the intentional design contest for construction of the Cheongju city hall building will take place in two stages. The first stage will be based on a general review, and five teams selected from the first stage will go through the second round of the contest along with three architect teams based in Korea and other countries which are nominated by the city. The final winner will be selected through the second stage review among the eight teams.
The city will provide each of the eight contestants with KRW 40 million worth of nominated invitation allowance to cover the production costs for aerial views and models. Separately, the first place winner will be awarded the opportunity to make the first basic and design proposal. The second-place winner will be awarded KRW 30 million, and the third-place winner will be awarded KRW 20 million. The fourth-place winners (5 teams) will be awarded KRW 10 million. In total, KRW 100 million worth of awards will be handed out to winners of the contest.
Meanwhile, the architects nominated to compete in the second stage of the contest have been receiving much attention since the decision to launch the international design contest was made. The nominated architects include Daniel Libeskind, who designed the Freedom Tower that was built on the grounds of the World Trade Center in New York that collapsed due to the September 11 attacks, and Dominique Perrault, who is well-known among Koreans for designing Ewha Woman’s University’s campus complex. Lastly, Robert Greenwood from the architecture company Snøhetta, who famously designed the Opera House in Oslo will be invited for the contest.
Through the competition between prominent architects from Korea and other countries, the city is expecting to see a novel design win the contest. Furthermore, it is hoping to make the city hall building become a local landmark and a base that can continue to be used as a key facility in the city of Cheongju while acting as the symbol and identity of the city as the center of urban regeneration and tourist resources.
Application for the first stage of the general contest will be open until February 7, and design proposals will be collected from applicants on March 13. The results for the first round of the contest will be released on March 20.
For the second round of the nominated contest, design proposals will be submitted on July 8. Through a technical review and main evaluation, the final winners of the international designing contest for the Cheongju city hall building will be released on July 14.
Meanwhile, a total construction budget of KRW 142.4 billion and a designing budget of KRW 7.8 billion will be invested for construction of the Cheongju city hall building on a total area of 28,459㎡, and a total floor area of 55,500㎡.

▶Inquiries: City Hall Building Construction Team, Department of Public Facility (☎+82-43-201-2573)
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