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Title Citizen Upcycle Center Opens in Cheongju
Writer Resources Policy Division
Subject Citizen Upcycle Center Opens in Cheongju

The Cheongju municipal government opened the Cheongju Citizen Upcycle Center, the city’s comprehensive facility for regenerating and sharing resources, on November 13.
The opening ceremony was attended by Cheongju Mayor Han Beum-deuk, Cheongju City Council Chairman Ha Jae-sung, and Pulkkum Environment Foundation President Park Yeon-su along with over 300 citizens, followed by performances, a commemorative ceremony, an event to declare the city of zero waste and facility observation.
During the opening ceremony, 10 citizen representatives read Cheongju Citizens’ 10-point action plan and Cheongju Mayor Han Beum-deuk vowed to make Cheongju the city of zero waste shared and participated in by all citizens for the sake of a clean and green Cheongju.
The 10 tasks are determination for green life devoid of waste; choice of eco-friendly goods; activation of neighborhood sharing economy; conserve, share, exchange and reuse; no use of disposables and reduction of plastic; no food waste; use of one’s own products such as handkerchief, canteen and shopping basket to save the earth; smart life to cut paper use; separate disposal of recyclable materials and separate collection of waste; and picking up trash instead of dumping garbage.
Upcycling refers to a new type of resource recycling transforming useless and waste materials into new materials of higher value by adding design and/or usage.
The center plans to expand citizens’ culture of action through the operation of citizen education and experience events concerning resource recycling and implement information sharing, support for related industries, policy development for garbage reduction and creation of resource recycling networks.
“We expect the Citizen Upcycle Center to be a place where any citizen trying to share information about resource recycling can frequent comfortably,” said a city official, adding that “We will do our best to make Cheongju the country’s cleanest city befitting its name meaning clear and clean.”
The opening events included the operation of 20 upcycling market and experience booths, collective creation by some 1,000 people and invitations and visits.
In the meantime, the Cheongju Citizen Upcycle Center was built over a tract of 3,553 square meters near the old road of Sureumjae, 28, Naesu-ro, Cheongwon-gu (Juseong-dong) and has a total floor space of 2,320.72 square meters; the three-floor building with a basement is being operated by the Pulkkum Environment Foundation under a consignment agreement.
▶Inquiry: Resources Recycling Team, Resources Policy Division
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