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Title Be Careful of Heat-related Illnesses and Treatment in Case of Encountering a Patient
Writer SangDang Public Health Center
Subject - Maintain Your Health by Being Careful of Heat-related Illnesses!! –
Public health centers in Cheongju-si are operating Heat-related Illness Monitoring System from May 20. The status of occurrence on July 25 (as of July 24) is 45 people, which is a 15.6% (7 people) increase year-on-year.
The main characteristics of heat-related illnesses that occurred in Cheongju-si this year are as follows:
- Regarding the place of occurrence, it occurred as follows: outdoor work (24), working in rice paddies / upland fields (5), outdoor activities such as those along the roadside (8), and indoors (8);
- Regarding the time of occurrence, it occurred the most between 12:00 and 19:00 (33);
- Regarding gender, it has occurred more for males (80%, 36) than females; and
- Regarding age groups, it has occurred in various age groups, including 33.3% (15) in 50s, 20% (9) in 30s, and 22.2% (10) in 60s or above.
To prevent heal-related illnesses due to heat wave, citizens should refrain from engaging in excessive outdoor activities or working outdoors in rice paddies or upland farms, since these activities occur most often during the daytime (12:00 – 17:00), when the heat wave is at peak concentration. People are also advised to take a rest during hot hours and drink water often.
In particular, senior citizens, especially those living alone, chronically ill patients (hypertension, diabetes, etc.), children, and those who work outdoors may be more vulnerable to the heat wave, so they must be extra careful. When exposed to a hot environment for long period of time, people may suffer from headaches, dizziness, cramps, fatigue, and mental deterioration, and if left neglected, these symptoms may become life threatening.
Director JeongYong-sim of SangDang Public Health Center advised people to call 119 for emergency upon finding a patient suffering from heat-related illnesses andmove the patient to a cool place and keep their body cool. If the patient is conscious, take emergency measures such as giving them some water to drink. To reduce damages due to heat wave, people are advised to refrain from outdoor activities during the hot hours, take rests, and drink water often.
▶ Inquiries: SangDang Public Health Center Public Health Policy Division Pharmaceutical Management Team (☎201-3131)
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