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Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Life Agricultural Hall Open for Free Year Round
Writer Urban Agriculture Office
Subject - Exhibition Hall Newly Designed with Surfinia Tunnel, Wildflower Exhibition, and More-

Cheongju-si is opening the Life Agricultural Hall located within Miraeji Rural Theme Park in Ochang-eupfor free fom 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM all yearround (Closed on Mondays).

To offer more diverse sights for visitors, the Life Agricultural Hall was revamped with more exhibitions including the Surfinia Tunnel, Life Tower , Sickle neofinetia , and wild flower exhibitions.

As springarrives,this place is filled with diverse flowers in full bloom including rape flowers, surfinia, geranium, and Angel trumpet flowers .

Furthermore, the Urban Agriculture Office of Cheongju Agriculture Technology Center will conduct the Life Agriculture Experience Program 30 times until June 15 for about 900 preschoolers in nursery schools and kindergartens (4 to 7 years old) at the Life Agricultural Hall to purify their emotions and develop farming spirit.
The office plans to conduct various experience programs including tending a wrap vegetable garden, making topiaries, making succulent terrariums, making insect-eating plant pots, and making grass dolls.

An official from theCheongju Agriculture Technology Center said, “We hope that you would heal your mind and body at Life Agricultural Hall, full of phytoncide , in these current times, when our health is threatened with fine dust.”

▶Inquiries: Agricultural Culture Team of Urban Agriculture Office (☎043-201-3943)
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