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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

게시물 검색
a total of 454    Currently page on 38 / 46
Community - City News 게시판
No. Title Writer ViewCnt Date
84 Move to Cheongju! Let's farm and enjoy urban life. COOL Planning team of Policy Planning Department 382 2016.09.27
83 Opening “LG-ro to Daishin-ro section” COOL Industrial Estate Development team in City Development Department 384 2016.09.27
82 A story of Cheongju traditional market (Wonmaru market) COOL Market Distribution team of Job/Economy Department 504 2016.09.27
81 Cheongju starts one-stop services for transfer of multi-cultural families, switching temporary places of residences COOL Civil Administration Service team of Administrative Support Department 277 2016.09.27
80 Cheongju City focuses all efforts on creating a city where women feel safe. COOL Division of Women and Family, Bureau of Welfare and Education, Division of Forest Management, Bureau of Agricultural Policies, Division of Park Greenery 547 2016.08.16
79 Cheongju City goes beyond bringing people together towards convergence, emphasizing co-growth through cooperation. COOL Division of Public Facilities 483 2016.08.16
78 Woojin Kim, an archery athlete on the team of Cheongju City, wins the gold medal at the Rio Olympics COOL Division of Sports Promotion 449 2016.08.16
77 Cheongju City is working hard on supplying safe tap water COOL Division of Worktasks 385 2016.08.16
76 A smoother traffic between Mushimdongro and Ochang Interchange COOL Division of Roads and Facilities 420 2016.08.16
75 Cheongju City promotes an atmosphere of health among citizens’ daily lives COOL Division of Health Policies, Division of Health Promotion 348 2016.08.16

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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