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Cheongju City



게시물 검색
a total of 454    Currently page on 42 / 46
Community - City News 게시판
No. Title Writer ViewCnt Date
44 Chengju will extend its support for mother, infant healthcare worker Chengwon district health office 107 2015.12.16
43 Chengju will carry out intensive control for winter wildlife poaching environment policy division 118 2015.12.16
42 Chungju-si, the bus arrival information jump to the eyes. COOL Transport Policy division 503 2015.09.03
41 Chungju-si will provide eco-friendly food service in all schools from September. COOL Distribution division 471 2015.09.03
40 Chungju-si, "very good greeting" the installation of the automation system of the taxi fare. COOL Public Transport Division 406 2015.09.03
39 Cheongju-si, mobile administration sharing system service begins. COOL Information Communication Division 498 2015.08.06
38 Cheongju Citizen Attracts Qingdao COOL Culture and arts Division 484 2015.08.06
37 The world's first chopsticks festival held in Cheongju COOL Culture and arts Division 519 2015.08.06
36 Cheongju-si starts Happy Taxi from July 1 in 10 villages COOL Public Transportation Division 500 2015.08.06
35 Cheongju-si constructs broadband convergence network for farming villages with less than 50 households Information Communication Division 180 2015.08.06

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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