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Cheongju City



게시물 검색
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Community - City News 게시판
No. Title Writer ViewCnt Date
24 Cheongju will Green School Like Park COOL Park Construction Department 305 2015.03.16
23 Foreign Advertisement Starts for Cheongju Samgyeopsal COOL Culture and arts Division 206 2015.03.16
22 Cheongju Mayor Lee Seung-hun Begins His New Year Inspection Tour COOL Self-rule Administration Department 255 2015.03.16
21 Cheonju Promotes Urban Green Spaces COOL Park construction Department 253 2015.03.16
20 East Asia Culture City, Citizens Are leading It COOL Culture and arts Division 210 2015.03.16
19 Cheongju Builds Traditional Markets People Want to Visit and Shop COOL Local Economy Department 403 2015.03.16
18 Cheongju Develops BI of East Asia Culture City Culture and arts Division 193 2015.03.16
17 Cheongju Announced Its Ten Performances in 2014 Policy Planning Department 93 2015.03.16
16 Prepared for the Realization of 'No. 1 Economy, the Top Cheongju' Investment Attraction Department 139 2015.03.16
15 Mayor of Cheongju Lee Seunghun pledges to make the city one of the best in the world Public relations office 153 2015.02.17

담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 경제정책과
  • 담당자 : 박용재
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-1025

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