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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Mobilizes Comprehensive Measures Against Heatwaves!
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju Mobilizes Comprehensive Measures Against Heatwaves!
- Status check and air conditioning utilities for social classes vulnerable to heatwaves
- Monitoring heat-related disease occurrences and adding to citizens’ convenience through various means including cooling centers and canopy tents

Cheongju City announced on Jun. 3 the mobilization of its heatwave response system, swiftly responding to the heatwave anticipated to arrive earlier this summer.

The city has set Sept. 30 as the final date for implementing comprehensive measures against heatwaves, and it will focus all administrative capabilities on creating a safe urban environment by establishing a cooperative system between departments related to heatwaves.

▶ Thorough safety check on vulnerable members including elderly citizens living alone and recipients of national basic living stipends

First, Cheongju City will check the safety of vulnerable members, such as elderly citizens living alone and recipients of national basic living stipends, and prepare for emergencies.

When the heatwave alarm activates, workers providing tailored care services for the elderly will ensure that senior citizens living alone are safe through phone calls or visits and notify them of instructions and health guidelines against heatwaves.

In addition, the city will establish an emergency contact network to prepare for urgent situations of vulnerable households including recipients of basic living stipends and people with disabilities and actively visit the homes of national stipend recipients by operating a high-risk group responsibility system.

The city will also operate heatwave disaster helpers by deploying representatives of eup, myeon, dong, ri and tong-level districts, social welfare commissions, and honorary social workers, planning to check the daily safety status by offering information to vulnerable elderly citizens in case of heatwaves, visiting households, and other means.

Furthermore, Cheongju City will make efforts to protect the safety of homeless people. The city will constantly operate the “on-site patrol for the homeless out on the streets” consisting of Cheongju City staff and the “elderly citizens’ group for elderly homeless people’s safety” to be linked with the Senior Employment Foundation to guide homeless people found in parks, empty houses, and under bridges during patrols to temporary accommodations and facilities for the homeless.

▶ Air conditioning utilities for vulnerable citizens to prevent heatwave damage

Cheongju City will provide air conditioning utilities such as fans to citizens prone to disasters to prevent safety hazards from heatwaves.

The city has already delivered 280 fans to eup, myeon, and dong-level district offices utilizing the designated contributions from SK Hynix through the Cheongju Welfare Foundation.

Cheongju also plans to offer cash worth KRW 200,000 to 642 vulnerable citizens to pass the summer without heat hazards by collaborating with the Chungbuk Community Chest while providing air conditioning utilities such as fans and cooling blankets to around 100 citizens requiring case-by-case management.

Other support measures include utilizing disaster relief funds worth KRW 55 million to provide fans and other cooling utilities. The items will be delivered to vulnerable social members with low income, such as recipients of basic living stipends, near-poverty households, and elderly citizens living alone.

▶ Operating “heat-related disease ER surveillance system” to monitor heat-related disease status

Cheongju City’s health center operates the “heat-related disease ER surveillance system” to monitor heat-related disease occurrences constantly and identify heatwaves’ risks to citizens’ health.

The health center checks the relevant diseases’ occurrences in nine medical facilities operating emergency rooms* and shares the information with the public to raise citizens’ awareness and induce preventive action.
* Medical facilities operating emergency rooms: Cheongju Medical Center, Chungbuk National University Hospital, Hankook General Hospital, Cheongju St. Mary’s Hospital, Hana Hospital, Hyosung Hospital, Ochang Jungang Medical Center, Cheongju Hyundai Hospital, Bestian Hospital

▶ Ensuring citizens’ convenience through various measures including cooling centers, canopy tents, and water trucks

Cheongju City has designated and operated 838 cooling centers in places such as senior citizens’ community centers and administrative welfare centers. It has also built 342 canopy tents including smart canopies along crosswalks for citizens’ convenience.

The city government plans to make further efforts to reduce heatwave levels by sprinkling water using water trucks on urban roads and districts prone to heatwaves to decrease radiant heat.

“We expect the number of days with heatwaves in summer to increase in 2024 due to weather anomalies. We will do our best to establish a swift and seamless response system to allow our citizens to get through the summer safely and in good health,” a city official said.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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