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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Public Contest for Daecheongho Art Museum’s Exhibition in 2024
Writer Cheongju
Subject Public contest for Daecheongho Art Museum’s exhibition in 2024
- Application due by November 10th under the theme, “Disturbance of the Ecosystem and Water Environments” -

Daecheongho Art Museum, a branch of the Cheongju Museum of Art, announced the “Public Contest for Daecheongho Art Museum’s Exhibition in 2024,” which will support the experimental exhibitions of visual artists in Korea.

Starting from the common issue of the environment crisis, the theme of the experimental exhibition is the “problems of disturbances in the water environment and ecosystem we face today.”

The contest areas comprise all visual art areas, including flat surface installations, three-dimensional installations, and new media; priority will be given to exhibits (artworks) that have not been announced in Korea or overseas. Pieces connected to existing work or their follow-up projects may also be selected.

Eligible artists are visual artists aged 20 or above and visual art groups; exhibit planners are eligible to participate as well.

The city government plans to select three individuals or teams for the whole visual art area. Individuals or groups who wish to participate in the contest can download the application forms from the Daecheongho Art Museum’s website and submit them by November 10th to the museum’s email (daecheonghoartmuseum@gmail.com).

After document screening, the selection evaluation committee consisting of external experts will be in charge of deliberating the evaluation; the final selection of artists (teams) will be announced on November 23rd.

The exhibition area of the Daecheongho Art Museum (one site from Exhibition Halls 1 to 3) will be provided to the selected artists (teams), and they will receive support, including creative work honoraria and critic matching services. The exhibition for the contest winners is expected to be held from July to September of the following year.

More detailed information can be found on the Daecheongho Art Museum’s website, and inquiries can be made by phone (☎+82-43-201-0911).

A city official said, “The 2023 contest focused on the ‘natural environment’ issues, the struggle of our times, while showing Daecheongho Lake’s spatial characteristics, receiving a total of 62 exhibition proposals. We hope many artists will apply for this year’s innovative exhibition planning contest with themes on the changes in the water and ecosystem based on Daecheongho Lake.”

The “Public Contest Application for Daecheongho Art Museum’s Exhibition” is a project that has reflected the spatial characteristics of the museum’s exhibition area and Daecheongho Lake, beginning in 2016 as the “Exhibition Hall 1 Project” and rallying the participation of a total of 55 artists (37 teams) by 2023.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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