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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City Holds a Video Contest: Cheongju in 30 Seconds
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Finalist 8 videos with prize money of KRW 10 million -

On Apr. 28, Cheongju City announced the opening of Cheongju in 30 Seconds to produce videos showcasing unique and novel charms of Cheongju.

The contest subject is a video work that expresses the slogan of the city, “A Better Cheongju, Happy Citizens.”

The contest has two themes: one that expresses the hidden beauties that can only be found in Cheongju, including policies, history, cultures, tourism, and people; one that expresses Cheongju's unique charms by conveying a novel storyline for a selected subject.

Submitted videos must be video creation works that have not previously been entered into other competitions. They may be of any genre, including documentary, advertising, and animation. However, the videos must be produced in a vertical format (excluding titles and credits) and 30-second long.

Anyone who is interested in Cheongju is welcome to take part. You can download and fill out the application form at the official website of Cheongju. Finished video files and application forms can be submitted between Jun. 1 to Jun. 30 to happy5757@korea.kr.

Participants must include "Cheongju in 30 Seconds Video Contest" in the titles.

Cheongju City intends to select a total of eight works among the submitted works in August via online and expert screening. The results will be announced through the Cheongju City official blog and individual contact.

Winners will be given prize money of KRW 10 million in total with a certificate of merit.

For further information, visit the official website of Cheongju or the city’s official blog, or call the Cheongju Public Communications Office (+82-43-201-1082).

A city official of Cheongju Said, “Short videos are trending these days. We want to contribute to the vitalization of Cheongju by conveying interesting and fun messages within 30 seconds of the diverse and novel charms of Cheongju.”

They added, “I hope that many people will participate and capture the hidden charm that can only be felt in Cheongju in a video.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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