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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Summer Royal Table at Cheojeong Haenggung
Writer Cheongju
Subject - A traditional royal table food tasting session at Chojeong Haenggung -

Cheongju City has announced that a traditional royal table food tasting session is slated to take place at Chojeong Haenggung (temporary palace of Chojeong) from May 27 to Jun. 25.

This food tasting event is intended to promote Chojeong Haenggung, where King Sejong visited in order to heal himself and complete the creation of hangeul. The event will also serve as a good opportunity to explore and reinterpret the region's unique food culture based on Banchandeungsok, record heritage of food culture in Cheongju.

The food tasting session's composition will include a contemporary table arrangement of traditional food based on the health food and everyday food that were served to the King to help him pass the summer.

The menu consists of a four-course meal. The first course offers appetizers such as gyuasang, soy sauce and dumplings filled with cucumber. The second course is juansang, featuring grilled croakers served to the King in the summers, abalone kimchi, sweet and sour octopus salad, and royal liquor. The third course is bansang with wrapping vegetables, barley rice, jeolmi soybean paste stew, and side dishes. The fourth course is dagwasang with seasonal fruits, sweet rice balls, and fruit salad made with infused hawthorn fruits.

Participants may taste the dishes while listening to an explanation.

The event will be conducted in Chojeong Haenggung's Suragan every Saturday and Sunday. The sessions will be held twice a day at 11:30 AM and 1 PM, accepting 10 participants at a time.

You can make a reservation through Chanseon (+82-10-3050-5009). Admission fee is KRW 20,000 per person.

Chungcheongbuk-do Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 381 Banchandeungsok is a cookbook created in ancient hangeul script in 1913 in Sangsin-ri, Cheongju by a daughter-in-law of the Jinju Gang family. Furthermore, it is an invaluable study resource in several domains such as Cheongju region's traditions, language, history, and education about 100 years ago.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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