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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City to Operate a “Humanities Tour”, A Reading Culture Tour that Combines Humanities and Tourism
Writer Cheongju
Subject - Various educational and hands-on activities on the Cheongju City Tour Bus -

Cheongju City announced on the 10th that it will run eight sessions of “Super Fun Humanities Tour with Books,” a tour combining humanities and tourism, (“Humanities Tour”) from April to August.

The city has organized tour courses suitable for specialized topics for each library in four places under the jurisdiction of the Ochang Lake Library (Ochanghosu Lake, Sangdang-gu, Cheongwon-gu, and Geumbit Library).

Participants in the Humanities Tour can take the Cheongju City City Tour Bus and engage in learning through a variety of programs and hands-on activities.

The application period for each tour and other details are available on the Cheongju City Library website.

The Ochang Lake Library will run a tour under the theme of “Exploring Art from Millennials to Generation Z to Families.”

The library plans to offer aesthetic lectures in April and July targeting middle school students and above, as well as a program for families with lower elementary school students which will run twice in May.

The Sangdang Library will operate programs under the theme of “Exploring History: Independence Activists in Cheongju.”

It will focus on taking a tour of the city's historic places of independence activists and a tour of places where independence activists carried out their patriotic activities in Cheongju. The programs will run once in June for families with higher elementary school students who are interested in history.

In commemoration of King Sejong's birthday on May 15th, the Cheongwon Library took the theme of “Exploring Language: Tracing King Sejong's Achievements.”

The library will provide various hands-on activities related to Hangeul (Korean language) for families with higher elementary school students in May.

Geumbit Library's program will be operated under the theme of “Explorations for Youth: Enjoying Cheongju’s Attractions through a Board Game.”

Students will visit each attraction, receive guidance from a cultural commentator, solve quizzes based on the contents, and run a game tour. Just like playing a board game, the tour will run twice in July and August.

“We planned the Humanities Tour to provide citizens with an opportunity to experience humanities in their daily lives,” said a city official. “We hope that people will gain more experience in the field and find value in life.”
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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