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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Come Enjoy the More Exciting Chojeong Haenggung
Writer Cheongju
Subject Cheongju created five programs under the themes King Sejong and Chojeongyaksu Mineral Spring to entertain visitors of Chojeong Haenggung in Chojeong-ri, Naesu-eup, Cheongwon-gu, with the aim to console citizens affected by prolonged pandemic and revitalize local tourism.

These new programs are intended for visitors of all ages and include: Chojeong Haenggung Madangguk Show; Science Education Tour in Sejong Creative Village; Suragan Royal Food Experience; Chojeong Haenggung Where Traditional and Contemporary Music Flows; and Bookworm Kim Deuk-sin Education Program.

Chojeong Haenggung Madangguk Show that is performed every weekend at 11 AM and 3:30 PM until May 22 at Haenggung Plaza is an entertaining outdoor performance based on historical facts of King Sejong who stayed in the Chojeong region to treat eye infection with Chojeongyaksu Mineral Spring.

Actors dressed as the king, queen, naesi, gisaeng, and other characters of the Joseon dynasty will also be standing in different spots to take pictures with visitors and create an ambiance that make visitors feel like they are really in the past.

Science Education Tour in Sejong Creative Village is for children visitors to experience the scientific achievements of King Sejong.

Children will be able to build technological devices of the Joseon times, such as a portable sundial and cheugugi, using a paper kit and 3D printer. Replicas of technological instruments of Joseon created in October 2021 will also be available, as well as a palace tour via immersive digital content and star observing camp related to science and astronomy of Joseon in six main buildings that were built in the second half of 2022 (Chimjeon, Pyeonjeon, Wangjabang, Jiphyeonjeon, Chojeongyaksu Experience Hall, and Multipurpose Hall) starting in June.

The Suragan Royal Food Experience program will take place in weekend mornings at the Suragan building inside Chojeong Haenggung. Visitors will be able to personally try royal food that was served in Joseon dynasty and experience the culture of royal food. A pilot will be conducted in mid-June before the actual program that will be operated based on a reservation system every weekend. It will be open three times a day and up to 20 persons per session.

Chojeong Haenggung Where Traditional and Contemporary Music Flows is a musical performance of traditional and contemporary music that will take place at the outdoors of Chojeong Haenggung during weekends.

Gugak and traditional pansori that perfectly blends in with the ambiance as well as fusion performances with Korean pop are expected to entertain all visitors. Performance schedules are to be announced soon.

Lastly, Bookworm Kim Deuk-sin Education Program is an experiential program to promote the importance of reading through Kim Deuk-sin of Jeungpyeong near Cheongju of the late Joseon period.

The program will feature lectures on reading, reading lamp-making activity, and a rap festival that can be participated by writing rap lyrics, organized to increase the interest of elementary and middle school students. The program reflecting the trends of adolescents is expected to boost the accessibility to humanities. Application for the program will be available in June.

Now that social distancing protocols have been lifted, Cheongju plans to revitalize Chojeong Haenggung as a tourist attraction where all visitors can come and enjoy, learn history, and feel a pleasant ambiance through the various programs as well as the nightscape program and wall-building project that is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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