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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Survey on Elderly Citizens Living in Single-Person Households to Prevent Solitary Death
Writer Welfare Policy Team
Subject From the next month to this coming June, Cheongju city will conduct a “survey on elderly citizens living in single-person households” to prevent solitary death,* which has become a rising social problem.
* Solitary death: A death found after a certain period of time of a deceased who have died alone after living a life disconnected from his/her family while being socially isolated
This survey is a preemptive measure to discover and support single-person households in crisis situations.
The target of survey is a total of 38,500 people aged 50 to 64 years old living in single-person households.
Eup/myeon/dong officials and honorary social welfare officials such as welfare heads of villages and members of the community security council will pay a visit to the households to conduct the survey.
This survey will be conducted through non-face-to-face method, via phone call, mail and the Internet, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The scope of survey includes 9 items and 18 questions, including economic, health and residential conditions, social activities, family and interpersonal relationships, and welfare needs.
In July, the item analysis and coding work will be carried out on households that have completed the survey, and from August to December, the in-depth survey and need analysis are to be conducted on 500 households among those with high risks.
Based on this analysis, the city will establish a plan, including the basic direction for preventing solitary death, and prepare social support measures for the risk groups.
Through the survey, it also plans to link public benefits such as basic livelihood security and emergency welfare; link private resources for high risk groups that require intensive management; and provide case management monitoring services for households in complex critical situations.
In advance of the survey, the notice will be sent out to target households from eup/myeon/dong offices during this month.
The target households can conveniently participate in the survey by scanning the QR code in the notice, which is directly connected to the city’s official website.
The online and mobile participation is available from 15th of the next month for three months.
A city official said, “The number of elderly citizens experiencing financial difficulties and sense of isolation due to COVID-19 is increasing,” and added, “With this complete enumeration survey, we will do our best to prevent solitary death by identifying the needs of elderly citizens and finding households at risk of solitary death through continuous and systematic response.”
Meanwhile, Cheongju was the first in Chungcheongbuk-do Province to enact the “Ordinances for Solitary Death Prevention and Supporting the Elderly Living in Single-person Households” in September 2019, which was prior to the country’s“Solitary Death Prevention and Management Act” scheduled to take effect in April of this year to promote the national solitary death policy.
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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