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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Eased ion criteria for recipients of basic livelihood benefits this year... Still in active progress
Writer Basic Livelihood Security Team
Subject Cheongju to greatly ease the selection criteria for recipients of basic livelihood benefits... Still in active progress
- Expanded support for vulnerable groups by allocating KRW 110 billion in the customized wage budget in 2021-

As Cheongju eases the selection criteria for basic livelihood recipients in 2021 and expand the benefits, the city will actively promote the customized benefit project by assigning a budget of KRW 110 billion to basic livelihood grants to expand support for the vulnerable groups.

The selection criteria for basic livelihood recipients starting in January 2021 are as follows: If there is an elderly or single-parent in the household of the recipient of (or those eligible for) basic livelihood grants, the standard for persons with duty of care is no longer applied. However, the standard of high income (KRW 100 million per year, KRW 8.34 million per month) or less, and high property (excluding financial property, KRW 900 million) or less is applied. The ratio of reflecting private transfer income is reduced for regular support. The vehicle price threshold is reduced from less than KRW 1.5 million to less than KRW 2 million.

The customized benefits for basic livelihood recipients are provided with a total of 7 types of benefits for livelihood, medical care, housing, education, self-support, funeral, and childbirth depending on the eligibility.

Livelihood benefits are provided after deducting the recognized income from the guaranteed minimum earning (selection criteria). Medical benefits support medical services (examination, treatment, etc.) for diseases and injuries. Housing benefits support rent (rental house) and home improvement (own house).Education benefits support the student recipients’ admission fees, tuition fees, educational activity support fees, etc. Childbirth and funeral benefits are provided in KRW 700,000 per person at birth and KRW 800,000 per person upon death. Self-support benefits guarantee the minimum living of recipients and help them promote their independence by supporting self-support for low-income households with working ability.

In 2021, the median income for households of four was KRW 4.876 million with an increase of 2.67% compared to last year. And the selection criteria for households of four in terms of each benefit for basic livelihood security were found as follows: livelihood benefit KRW 1.462 million or less, the medical benefit KRW 1.95 million or less, the housing benefit KRW 2.194 million or less, and the education benefitKRW 2.438 million.

As a result, more low-income households will receive benefits than the current 30,996 basic livelihood recipients from 22,013 households in the city.

In addition, if it is confirmed that a household which has been found ineligible due to the failure to meet the selection criteria for livelihood benefits or the ability to support of the person with duty of care cannot receive support through individual household investigation, the local livelihood security committee decides to protect the household after deliberation.
Medical benefits are provided to 20,000 eligible people according to the type of benefit. For Type 1, admission fee is free, and outpatient expenses of KRW 1,000–2,000 are provided. And for Type 2, 10% of admission fee and KRW 1,000 to 15% of outpatient expenses are provided.

Cheongju plans to subsidize health insurance by allocating KRW 230 million for 3,000 households that pay insurance less than KRW 10,000 per month and cannot receive medical benefits such as elderly households, disabled households, single-parent households, and households with just grandparents and children, to prevent medical blind spots.

Moreover, the city provides a discount on government grains to help stabilize the livelihood of low-income households. Recipients of livelihood and medical benefits can purchase 10 kg for KRW 2,800 and 20 kg for KRW 5,000, and those under housing and education benefits and the lower income households can purchase 10 kg for KRW 11,900 and 20 kg for KRW 23,200 throughout the year. For 5,913 education benefit recipients, Cheongju has allocated a budget of KRW 135 million and will support admission fees, tuition fees, and textbook expenses and provide the educational activity grants (KRW 286,000 for elementary school students, KRW 376,000 for middle school students, KRW 448,000 for high school students), which integrated the existing supplementary textbooks and school supplies, increasing the grants by 24 percent in average compared to the previous year.

A city official said, “We will focus on promoting the project so that everyone in need can receive the benefits. We hope that all citizens can take a moment to check if there is any neighbor living in difficult conditions and report to the nearest district administrative welfare center,” and added, “We will do our best to establish a public protection network.”

The application for the customized benefits can be made at administrative welfare centers (eup/myeon/dong) at any time throughout the year.

For questions about the customized benefits, please contact the administrative welfare center (eup/myeon/dong) or Welfare Call Center (+82-129), or visit the website (www.bokjiro.go.kr).

Inquiry: Basic Livelihood Security Team, Welfare Policy Division (+82-43-201-1822)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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