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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Early Printing Museum unveils “Printing the Mind of King Sejong”
Writer Art & Science Team
Subject The Cheongju Early Printing Museum opened a special exhibition for 2020 under the title of “Printing the Mind of King Sejong” at the Modern and Contemporary Printing Exhibition Hall on the 7th.
The exhibition was designed to commemorate the 600th anniversary of the birth of Gyeongjaja, a metal type created during the reign of King Sejong of the Joseon Dynasty. The opening ceremony invited restricted number of guests due to COVID-19 in compliance with infection prevention and control guidance such as wearing of face masks.
The special exhibition “Printing the Mind of King Sejong” shows a number of achievements made by King Sejong in the early Joseon Dynasty and how the achievements have affected the people through the movable metal-type printing.
In particular, the exhibition paid attention to the development of astronomy, agriculture, medicine, mathematics, and military science, and intended to show how movable metal-type printing, which was improved and further developed during the reign of King Sejong, transformed the lives of the people until later generations.
The exhibition consists of three parts in total. ▲Part I “The Birth of Gyeongjaja” introduced changes made in casting and typesetting technologies of metal types in the early Joseon Dynasty and exhibited 13 books printed with Gyeongjaja.
Gyeongjajabon is a valuable material that only about 26 copies currently remain.
▲ Part II “Metal Type Printing Typography and Historical Development” primarily introduced four fields—medicine, mathematics, military science, and agriculture—to show the impact of the development in the printing technology on our history.
In the field of medicine, the exhibition displayed medical books such as Sinchanbyeogonbang, which shows how our ancestors dealt with and overcame infectious disease—such as the current COVID-19—and introduced changes in each field, with a focus on books such as “Nongsajikseol,” “Sinpyeonsanhakgyemong” and “Gihyosinseo.”
▲ Part III consists of the revival of science and technology under the reign of King Sejong. King Sejong made continuous efforts after his ascension to observe constellations on the land of Joseon and to find Joseon’s own time, breaking away from the Chinese calendar system that had been previously relied upon.
He nurtured talents around Jiphyeonjeon and commissioned talents based on their abilities and regardless of their status, thereby completing a calendar system based on Hanyang of Joseon 20 years after his accession to the throne.
Part III exhibited astronomical observation tools such as armillary sphere, simplified armillary sphere, and Honsang, astronomical books such as Daetongnyeogiltonggwe, Susiryeogipseong, Jegayeoksangjip, and Chiljeongsannaepyeon, as well as science and technology-related materials during the reign of King Sejong, such as Cheugugi (rain gauge), Angbu Ilgu (scaphe sundial), and portable sundials including Hyeonju Ilgu.
The exhibition will be open to the public until December 20 at the Modern and Contemporary Printing Exhibition Hall of the Cheongju Early Printing Museum.

▶ Inquiries: Art & Science Team, Art & Science Lab (☎043-201-4298)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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