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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Becoming a city of traffic safety through the elderly drivers’ voluntary return of the licenses.
Writer Traffic Policy Team
Subject Becoming a city of traffic safety through the elderly drivers’ voluntary return of the licenses.
Becoming a city of traffic safety through the elderly drivers’ voluntary return of the licenses.
- The city is to provide public transportation cards worth KRW 100,000 to the first 340 senior drivers who return their licenses -
Following the city program designed to encourage the voluntary return of driver’s licenses by targeting elderly citizens in October last year, the city of Cheongju is providing public transportation cards worth KRW 100,000 to those senior drivers who voluntarily return their licenses.
As Korean society is rapidly aging, the rate of traffic accidents caused by senior drivers has also increased. In response to this trend, the city has launched a transportation expense support program in order to encourage senior citizens’ voluntarily return of their driver’s licenses. The program was also selected as a subsidiary program for the National Policy Agency’s ‘Stimulus Plan for Senior Citizens’ Voluntary Return of Driver’s License,’ securing government subsidies.
Eligible applicants of the program are registered Cheongju residents who are 70 years old or older, and are active drivers who possess a driver’s license. Successful applicants should have no previous history of receiving benefits from other government programs related to the return of driver's licenses, and should have voluntarily returned their driver’s license after October 2019. In addition, the returned driver’s license should have been effectively canceled. The city checks whether the applicant had been an active driver based on the record of ownership of a vehicle or car insurance registration up until 30 days before the cancellation of the driver’s license.
Those who wish to apply for the program should visit a local police station or driver's license testing center in the administrative district of Cheongju to obtain a certificate of return of their driver’s license and cancellation, and submit the document to a local administration and welfare center along with the proof of active driver as mentioned above.
The transportation cards that will be provided to successful applicants are prepaid transportation cards charged with KRW 100,000. The successful applicants will be provided with the card once a year, and the card can be used for public buses, taxis, and registered convenience stores throughout the country.
A city representative stated, “We expect the voluntary driver’s license return program will be able to contribute to increased traffic safety in the city. Please be sure to keep this program in mind in order to reduce traffic accidents throughout the city.”

▶ Inquiries: Traffic Policy Team, the Traffic Policy Department (☎ +82-43-201-2822)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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