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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City to Implement Large-Scale Project to Reduce Particulate Matter
Writer Climate and Air Quality Division
Subject Cheongju City to Implement Large-Scale Project to Reduce Particulate Matter

Cheongju City pushes ahead with a project to reduce exhaust emissions for diesel vehicles and construction machines in the second half of this year.

The project is intended to reduce the amount of particulate matter by taking exhaust gas reduction measures for diesel vehicles and construction machines. The total budget for the project is KRW 9.63 billion, which will be used to scrap 3,800 deregistered vehicles, and fund the purchases of 90 1-ton LPG trucks, 250 diesel particulate filters for diesel vehicles and 40 for construction machines, and 120 engine replacement units for construction machines.

◆ Project to help scrap decrepit and deregistered diesel vehicles, and purchase 1-ton LPG trucks

Vehicles subject to deregistration and early scrapping include Grade 5 diesel vehicles and three kinds of on-road construction machines manufactured before December 31, 2005, which must have been registered with Cheongju City for two or more consecutive years and whose final possession period should be six months or more before the reporting date.

Subsidies will be given based on the model and production year, within the amount calculated by the Korea Insurance Development Institute (KIDI).

Cheongju City plans to scrap 3,800 decrepit and deregistered diesel vehicles (within budget).

Applications can be filed from November 7 to 11 by visiting the Main Conference Room at Cheongju City Hall 2 or by mail.

Also, citizens can receive consultations or submit related documents at eight junkyards in the city.

At the same time, people who deregister and scrap their decrepit diesel vehicles can apply for a separate project to get subsidies for buying a new 1-ton LPG truck, of which there are 90, and accepted applicants can receive additional KRW 4 million.

◆ Support for attaching diesel particulate filters to diesel vehicles and construction machines

A project to provide support for attaching exhaust gas reduction devices will be carried out from November 7 to 11. There are 250 diesel particulate filters for diesel vehicles and 40 for construction machines. Target vehicles and machines are Grade 5 diesel vehicles whose final possession period should be six months or more before the reporting date and three kinds of on-road construction machines manufactured before December 31, 2005.

Owners of diesel vehicles must shoulder 10 to 17% of the cost while those of construction machines can be fully funded.

Vehicle owners who are applicable for diesel particulate filters must sign contracts with the filter manufacturers, who will in turn attach the filter after obtaining approval from Cheongju City Hall. Filter manufacturers can be checked via the notice on the Cheongju City Hall website.

◆ Project to support engine replacement for construction machines

Excavators and forklifts manufactured before 2004 are subject to this project; machines with output of 75 kW or more but less than 130 kW manufactured in 2005 and machines with output of less than 75 kW manufactured in 2006 are applicable. Expenses for engine replacement will be fully funded as well.
Construction machine owners must sign contracts with filter manufacturers between November 7 and 11, and get approval from Cheongju City Hall to replace their engines. Filter manufacturers can be checked via the notice on Cheongju City Hall website.

In the meantime, vehicles with Grade 5 emissions can be checked via the Ministry of Environment website’s automobile emission grade system (https://emissiongrade.mecar.or.kr) or by calling the Call Center (1833-7435).

▶Inquiries: Particulate Matter Management Team, Climate and Air Quality Division (☎ +82-43-201-4982)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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