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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Field Trips to Cheongju Integrated CCTV Control Center Are Getting Popular
Writer Public Safety Division
Subject -Any Individuals and Groups of 5 or More Can Apply-

The field trips to Integrated CCTV Control Center conducted by Cheongju-si for the Cheongju citizens have become highly popular.

This year, the city is planning to receive applications from students in nursery, elementary, and middle schoolsfor field tripsto the Integrated CCTV Control Center from April to November to educate 1688 students from 42 educational institutions with the cooperation of nursery schools and theChungcheongbuk-do Cheongju Office of Education . Additionally, starting from the second half of the year, the education will be conducted by receiving applications for the field trips from the foremen or heads ofeup and myeon offices and Dong Community Service Centers, and The Society for a Better Tomorrow .

Through this education, citizens can learn about the necessity, roles, and functions of the Integrated CCTV Control Center, and understand how to prevent crimes and respond to emergencies.
In particular, during the visit, various hands-on experience programs, including Cheongju-si Safe Keeper App , IoT Abnormal Situation Sound Emergency Bell , andFacial Recognition CCTV Experience, are drawing interest from students.
During the demonstration of Cheongju-si Safe Keeper App, you can see that if you shake the smartphone in a virtual emergency situation, a video of surrounding area is displayed at the control center along with a loud siren sound

Any individuals or groups of 5 or more can apply for field trips to the Integrated CCTV Control Center. For inquiries and applications, contact either theCCTV Control Center Team of the Public Safety Division of Cheongju-si (☎201-1306) or visit the center’s website (http://cctv.cheongju.go.kr).

A city official revealed, “We will lead to create a safe Cheongju without crimes by offering various education to our citizens on safety and the roles of CCTV through visits to the Integrated Control Center.”

▶Inquiries: Integrated Control Team of Public Safety Division (☎201-1306)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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