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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si is Operating a Forest Experience Program
Writer Parks & Forests Division
Subject - Happy Ecosystem Experience, Saturday Family Trip to the Forest, and Many Other Programs from April to October -

Cheongju-si is operating the Forest Experience Program together with
forest interpreters for free at Sangdangsanseong Ancient Trail,
Munam Ecological Park, and Solbat Park from April to October.

The Forest Experience Program helps the citizens become familiar with forest by offering opportunities to actually see, touch, and play around in the forest with forest interpreters. Also, diverse ecological programs are being held, such as various experiences using natural objects, and insect classes.

Major programs include “Happy Ecosystem Experience”, “Saturday Family Trip to the Forest”, “Forest Prenatal Education for Soon–to–be Moms”, “Happy Forest of Memories for Middle-aged People”, and “Healing! Forest Experience for Office Workers.”

The Happy Ecosystem Experience is offered to infants and preschoolers, as well as elementary, middle, and high school students at Sangdangsanseong Ancient Trail, Munam Ecological Park, and Solbat Park between Tuesday and Friday from April to October. Up to twenty five people can enjoy the nature ecosystem experience per session by applying via fax (☎201-2829) or email (pupoom9575@korea.kr) to the
Parks & Forests Division of Cheongju Government from February 12th to March 23rd.

Saturday Family Trip to Forest is a program for families which is offered at Sangdangsanseong Ancient Trail and Munam Ecological Park every second Saturday of the month from April to October. The program can be enjoyed by 15 people per session. You may apply for the program via the Integrated Reservation System of Cheongju-si (http://www.cheongju.go.kr/ticket/main.do) from February 26th until the final session has come to a close.

Additionally, from April, you may apply for the Forest Prenatal Education for Soon–to-be Moms for pregnant women and couples (May, June, September, and October), Happy Forest of Memories for Middle-aged People for those in 50s and 60s (fourth Monday of each month from May to October), and the Healing! Forest Experience for Office Workers program for office workers (Monday to Friday from April to October).

Last year, the program received huge responses, bringing in the participation of 121 groups, 3230 children, and 180 families.

A city official said, “We hope that many of you will participate in the program so that you can feel with your five senses in the forest to become familiar with nature while developing your physical abilities and feeling the ecological emotions through various forest experiences.”

▶ Inquiries: Park Management Team of Parks & Forests Division (☎ 201-2745)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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