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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si Announces Its Top 10 Achievements of 2017
Writer Policy Planning Division
Subject - Honor of Greatest Achievement Granted to the Attraction of the UNESCO International Center for Documentary Heritage (ICDH) to Cheongju-si -

Cheongju-si released a list of the year’s top 10 achievements, which were made possible thanks to the combined efforts of the city and its 850,000 citizens under its administrative goal of the ”No. 1 Economy, the Top Cheongju.”

Topping the list was the ”successful attraction of the UNESCO International Center for Documentary Heritage (ICDH) to Cheongju, another step to becoming a global culture city.”With the Jikji Korea festival growing even larger and being approved as an international festival and the successful attraction of the world’s first international organization in the field of UNESCO’s Memory of the World, Cheongju-si was able to spread its pride as the originator of movable metal type and move beyond its status as a national culture city to become a global culture city.

The 10 achievements of the year were as follows.
▲ Successful attraction of the UNESCO International Center for Documentary Heritage (ICDH) to Cheongju, another step to becoming a global culture city
▲ Investment attraction of KRW 21.5 trillion, the largest ever, to develop the regional economy
▲ Secured the first KRW 1 trillion in government budget for Cheongju-si
▲ 1st place in comprehensive evaluation of all local governments in the nation 2 years running, securing a spot as Korea’s top city
▲ Rise of ”Old Cheongju Tobacco Manufacturing Warehouse” as a cultural landmark
▲ Acknowledgement of Cheongwon’s Life brand’s luxury value, raising the status of local agricultural produce
▲ Opening of access road between Cheongju and Oksan, construction of New Sangdang-gu Office, and smooth sailing of Integrated Symbol Project
▲ Resolution of conflict around the 2nd landfill, and secured stable processing base for domestic waste
▲ Official implementation of CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) and realization of a crime-free and safe city, and
▲ Confirmation of Cheongju as a ”Good City to Give Birth to and Raise Children”

As the first city in the history of the constitutional government to accomplish voluntary citizen integration, Cheongju-si has overcome concerns and become the model case of a local self-government, with brilliant successes, such as diligent fulfillment (95%) of items of understanding for coexistent development measures, made possible through the stable integration brought about by harmony among the residents in the early phases of integration.

In particular, the city has managed to attract KRW 21.5 trillion in investments, the largest amount in history, by striving to lay the foundations for investment attraction, such as by completing the partial construction of CheongjuTechnopolis.

Despite the setbacks brought about by the troubled financial reform following the inauguration of the new government and the competition between local governments around the nation to secure government funds, Cheongju-si was able to secure a budget of KRW 1.5 trillion from the government, a 15.8% increase from its original goal of KRW 910 billion. As a result, it has managed to secure over KRW 1 trillion for the first time in the history of its administration, ushering in a golden era of regional development.

Meanwhile, the completion of section 1 of the access road from Cheongju to Oksan and the New Sangdang-gu Office, as well as the first opening of the Integrated Symbol Project, are all contributing to the establishment of integration administrative infrastructure around the city, allowing Cheongju-si to lay down the groundwork for a city that brings joy to its 1 million citizens .

The synergy effect brought about these measures for integration and the efforts of the administration have done wonders for Cheongju-si, which has received the 1st place in the 7th Local Government Productivity Award in the field of cities with populations of at least 250,000, 1st place in the Korea Local-autonomy Competitiveness Indices in the field of management resources, and more. As a result, it was ranked 1st for the 2nd year running in a comprehensive evaluation of local governments in the country, and selected for excellence as an organization at the Korea Administration Public-Relations Festa, which comprehensively evaluates the outstanding policies of local governments.

In particular, Cheongwon Life Rice accomplished the monumental feat of receiving LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) for 11 years running, proving the luxury value of the Life brand of Cheongwon, and the 9th iteration of the Cheongwon Organic Festival was a resounding success, managing to rise as Korea’s greatest agricultural and livestock produce festival by achieving 500,000 visitors and KRW 4.2 billion in sales.

Meanwhile, the Old Cheongju Tobacco Manufacturing Warehouse successfully transformed itself into a cultural landmark by holding various events such as the Cheongju Craft Biennale, Chopstick Festival, and World Culture Competition. The warehouse is also the site of lively activities such as the beginning of the construction of the Cheongju branch of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art’s National Art Conservation Center, the opening of 7 units in the East Warehouse, and the attraction of Content Korea Lab.

Furthermore, Cheongju-si was able to resolve the controversial 2nd landfill issue by finalizing the method for developing it, which allowed it to secure a base for handling the domestic waste as befitting a city of 1 million happy citizens. Additionally, it is making headway in its goal of becoming a crime-free and safe city by establishing the nation’s first CPTED (Crime Prevention through Environmental Design) comprehensive plan.

Beyond that, the city has also managed to prove itself worthy of being called a good city to give birth to and raise children in by being presented the Presidential Award for Excellence in Measures to Overcome Low Birthrates due to its efforts to expand various forms of childcare initiatives such as communal childcare sharing centers and toy rental centers, and establish a UCC network.

Acting Mayor Lee Beom-seok of Cheongju City stated, “This year, Cheongju-si was able to accomplish more than it has ever been able to do despite its setbacks”, and continued, “Using this year’s accomplishments, we will prepare a better future alongside the 1 million happy citizens of Cheongju.”

▶ Inquiries: Policy Planning Division Planning Team (☎043-201-1213)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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