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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si Opens New Paradigm on Urban Renewal
Writer Urban Restoration Division
Subject - Stunning Feat of Being Selected for 2 Places in Urban Renewal New Deal Project -

Amidst the announcement of the final project target regions for the ”2017 Urban Renewal New Deal Project” by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation on December 14th, Cheongju-si has opened a new paradigm on the urban restoration of its declining old downtown by being chosen 2 places and securing national funds of KRW 25 billion.

As one of the major national agendas of the current government, the Urban Renewal New Deal Project seeks to realize its vision of local government and community-led sustainable ”urban renovation” under the 4 goals of housing welfare, urban competitiveness enhancement, social integration, and job creation.

This time, Uam-dong (Central Area-type) and Uncheonsinbong-dong (General Neighborhood-type) were chosen for the Urban Renewal New Deal Project.

As a result of it suffering from the largest regional decline in Cheongju, with a 60.2% decrease in population and 683% increase in elderly population over the past 30 years and 80.5% ratio of decrepit buildings that are over 20 years old, Uam-dong is one the regions in most urgent need of urban renewal.

The Uam-dong Urban Renewal Project will be carried out under the title of 「A Path That Shares Youth, a Space That Shares Economy」, with a total of KRW 45.6 billion (KRW 15 billion in government funds, KRW 10 billion in municipal expenses, and KRW 20.6 billion from public enterprises and others) in investments. The 5 goals of the project are creating a space to support housing functions and startups, designating and supporting special commercial areas and specialized streets, enhancing local capabilities and becoming a smart city, improving living environments and maintaining infrastructure, and connecting to existing urban renewal communities in the vicinity. Plans are in place to supply youth lease housing, support youth startups, enhance the capabilities of local communities, maintaining decrepit housing, and more over the next 5 years.

In particular, Uam-dong will serve as a critical foothold connecting the urban renewal axis of Cheongju-si, from the ”Economy-based Urban Renewal Project” taking place around Old Cheongju Tobacco Manufacturing Warehouse to Seongan-dong, which is currently the site of an active Urban Vitality Promotion Region Development Project.

Meanwhile, Uncheonsinbong-dong, which was selected as a general neighborhood-type, is rich in historical and cultural heritage. It is home to ‘Jikji’, a registered heritage in the UNESCO Memory of the World, as well as the Cheongju Early Printing Museum that commemorates Jikji. The region was also designated as a CheongjuJikji Culture Zone in 2007.

However, due to its inability to utilize local resources properly, the population is steadily decreasing and the ratio of decrepit housing is over 83%. Thus, the region is suffering from a host of issues such as lack of resources that locals can actually feel.

The Uncheonsinbong-dong Urban Renewal Project will be carried out under the title of 「Uncheonsinbong-dong, Where Past and Future of Records Coexist」, with a total of KRW 16.7 billion (KRW 10 billion in government funds, KRW 6.7 billion in regional expenses) in total project expenses. The project will seek to accomplish the 3 goals of establishing regional identity through the use of historical resources, restoring communities of coexistence through communication between locals, and creating a safe and pleasant local environment. In order to do this, the project plans to build vehicle-free roads and complete streets, create a digital cultural heritage experience zone, create village common parking lots, improve the living environment of decrepit dwellings, create specialty products promotion and sales spaces and regional governance activity spaces, and more over the next 4 years.

▶ Inquiries: Urban Restoration Division Urban Restoration Team (☎043-201-2463)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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