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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Early Printing Museum Completes Partial Renovations
Writer Cheongju Early Printing Museum
Subject - Completes Internal Remodeling of Exhibition Rooms and Welcomes Visitors Back on the 15th-

After 4 months of internal remodeling, Cheongju Early Printing Museum finally completed the renovations to its exhibition rooms and opened its doors once more, welcoming back visitors on the 15th.

After the HeungdeoksajiTemple Site – the site where the Jikji was printed – was confirmed in 1985, Cheongju Early Printing Museum was opened 7 years later in March 1992. Since then, it has proudly stood as the hallmark museum of Cheongju for the past 25 years in its capacity as a cultural space that exists alongside the people by collecting and researching materials related to early printing culture, operating educational programs, and holding exhibitions.

Additionally, the museum has taken the initiative in raising the status of Cheongju by promoting the value of Jikji, a registered heritage of the UNESCO Memory of the World and the pride of Cheongju, both at home and abroad.

As a result of the success of the Jikji Korea International Festival last year and the attraction of the UNESCO International Center for Documentary Heritage (ICDH) to Cheongju this year, Cheongju and its people can hold their heads up higher than ever.

With the renovations to its exhibitions, the museum’s exhibition layout and facilities, which have until now remainedrelatively unchanged since its opening, have also been renewed, and various digital content have been added.

These digital content are the result of the museum’s collaboration with the 2017 Next Generation Immersive Content Production and Installation Project of Cheongju-si’s Information and Communication Division, and have greatly bolstered the museum’s exhibitions.

Exhibition Room 1, where the renovations were carried out, was restructured to hold exhibitions on Jikji. The exhibition space is now made up of 7 zones –Cheongju and Jikji, Birth and Journey of Jikji, HeungdeoksaTemple, Jikji Reborn as Movable Metal Type, Jikji’s Eternal Light, UNESCO/Jikji Memory of the World Prize, and Jikji Rest Area.

First, the Jikji Movable Metal Type Printing Plate, which was restored using traditional methods in 2015, was placed at the entrance, imparting a powerful impression of Jikji in all visitors as they begin their viewing.

Following that is an introductory video to Jikji, born during the culmination of Cheongju’s history and culture, as well as a corner on Goryeo’s movable metal type printing technology and Jikji.

The ‘Heungdeoksa Temple’ zone displays relics excavated from HeungdeoksajiTemple Site that were lent to the museum by Cheongju National Museum, such as the bronze golden drum, bronze offering bowl, vajra, and bronze bell.

The articles will be on display for only 38 days, until the 21st of the next month.

In addition, visitors will be able to find out how the Jikji made its way to France, what the excavation site at Heungdeoksaji Temple Site looked like, how Jikji movable metal type is made, and so on through videos that are both interesting and educational.

An official from Cheongju Early Printing Museum revealed their expectations for the future, saying, “With the new changes to the permanent exhibition room, visitors will want to revisit it again and again.”

▶ Inquiries: Cheongju Early Printing Museum Office of Arts and Science Research Arts and Science Team (☎201-4298)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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