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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Get a Checkup for Diabetic Complications in Advance
Writer Sangdang Public Health Center
Subject - Free Eye Checkups and Renal Function Tests for Patients with Diabetes -

Cheongju City is carrying out eye checkups and renal function tests for patients with diabetes within the region as part of its business to prevent complications from diabetes.

It is very important to conduct early diabetes complication tests because there’s a high mortality rate caused by complications rather than the disease itself being a direct cause for deaths.
However, eye diseases and kidney damages caused by diabetes do not show clear subjective symptoms, and also the outbreak and progression of the disease cannot be completely prevented, but still, early treatment of its complications can prevent the disease by over 90%, which makes early diagnosis very crucial.

The eligible subjects are those who are registered as diabetic patients at the public health center whose resident registration address is in Cheongju city, and among them, those with both high blood pressure and diabetes are first in line and next come the diabetic patients.
The city is currently recruiting the subjects, and eight of the medical institutions, in which are under the agreement with the city, will conduct free examinations.
For any other detailed inquiries such as the application process, you can contact the health promotion team at the public health centers of four boroughs (gu): Sangdang, Seowon, Heungdeok, and Cheongwon).

An interested person with the Sangdang Public Health Center revealed, “For diabetes, complications can be prevented by over 90% with early treatments, which therefore makes early diagnosis very critical, thus I plead to the patients that they take the free checkup through this opportunity.” He went on to say, “for the patients with abnormal findings in the results of the checkup, we will prevent their diabetic complications through continuous education and management.”

▶ Fore more info:
Sangdang Public Health Center Health Promotion Division Health Promotion Team (☎043-201-3184)
Seowon Public Health Center Health Promotion Team (☎043-201-3282)
Heungdeok Public Health Center Health Promotion Team (☎043-201-3380)
Cheongwon Public Health Center Health Promotion Team (☎043-201-3484)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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