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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title "Enjoy a Healthy Life in Old Age without Worrying about Dementia”
Writer Sangdang Public Health Center
Subject - Cheongju City, Putting All Energy into Dementia Prevention and Management Business... to Open Center for Dementia Next Year -

#Full time housewife Ms. Han (65 years old, F, Sacheon-dong, Cheongwon-gu) has a big concern these days. There were times when she forgot her family members' birthdays, promises, and appointments, but a few days ago, she forgot her way home after going out. It took her a while to come to herself but she was afraid that this might be symptoms of dementia. "My mother-in-law suffered from dementia for three years before passing away so I know more than anyone else how frightening a disease it is. I really don't want to suffer from it, so I'm really afraid," she said.

▶ This year, about 17,000 people had dementia examination
Those concerned about dementia-like symptoms like Ms. Han should definitely knock on the doors of the public health centers in Cheongju City without hesitation.
The city is carrying out various dementia prevention and management businesses at Sangdang Public Health Center, Seowon Public Health Center, Heungdeok Public Health Center, and Cheongwon Public health Center to make a “Dementia Worry-free Healthy Cheongju City.”
First of all, senior citizens 75 and older who live alone and seniors who are entering the age of 75 are most likely to have dementia thus they will be managed as the first ones in line to take the dementia test. Furthermore, seniors 60 and older will be subject to taking early dementia medical examination for dementia prevention.
At the public health center, the first stage is to take the dementia screening test and those suspected of dementia will receive thorough medical checkup at the collaborative hospital in steps, which are composed of the diagnostic tests in the second stage, and a full medical checkup (blood test and CT) in the third stage.
There are currently 20,602 Cheongju citizens as of late October who have visited the public health centers because of being suspected of dementia or having concerns regarding dementia. Those who went through counseling amount to 3,576 people while those who actually
had the examination amount to 17,026 people. Among those, 275 people have been diagnosed with dementia and are receiving treatments.

▶ Support Medical Expenses, and Day Care Center Fees
Citizens with median income at 120% or below will receive free dementia full medical checkup in stages. Also, for those dementia patients with median income at 120% or below, KRW 30,000 (KRW 360,000 annually) worth of dementia treatment and management costs will be supported, and those not eligible for long-term medical treatment (B, C and non-applicants) will be granted funding for day care center.
With this, a variety of programs will be run such as cognitive rehabilitation program and dementia family class to slow down the process of dementia and relieve the symptoms.

▶ Dementia Center
Dementia Center where dementia patients and their families can receive comprehensive support such as early medical examination, management, medical & recuperation linked services will open in the coming 2018.
Seowon and Heungdeok public health centers and the ones in Sangdang and Cheongwon of Cheongju are scheduled to run in earnest in the first half and in the latter half of next year, respectively.
The center will provide integrated services for dementia patients such as medical examination, counseling, management, and medical and recuperation linked services, in which the counseling and management data will be entered into the registry system to be managed systematically. Patients with advanced dementia showing a serious behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) such as violent behavior, whom therefore are hard to be taken care of at medical facilities or at home will receive short-term extensive care at public hospitals.

A city official said, "Dementia was once thought of as an incurable disease but it is possible to slow down the process and alleviate the symptoms if the right medications are taken albeit not cured entirely." He also added, "I will do my best to make a “Dementia Worry-free Healthy Cheongju City” through a diverse dementia prevention & management businesses not to mention the programs for brain health."

< Dementia Self-Test >
1. Do you think there's a problem with your memory?
2. Do you think your memory has declined compared to that of 10 years ago?
3. Do you think you have a bad memory compared to those of other people at your age?
4. Do you have any trouble in your daily life because of the decline in your memory?
5. Is it hard to remember what happened recently?
6. Is it hard to remember about the conversations that you had a few days ago?
7. Is it hard to remember the promise you've made a few days ago?
8. Is it hard to remember the names of your close acquaintances?
9. Is it hard to remember where you've kept your things?
10. Do you happen to lose things more often than before?
11. Have you lost your way home from near your house?
12. Is it hard to remember the names of the two or three items that you're to buy at the store?
13. Is it hard to remember turning off the stove or lights?
14. Is it hard to remember the often-used phone numbers (your own or your children's home)?

☞ If you've answered 'yes' 6 or more times, you may be suspected of dementia.

▶For more info: Health Promotion Division of Sangdang Public Health Center (☎201-3162)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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