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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Rice, Jikji, Hangeul, Giwa... Cheongju Chopsticks Caught the Eyes of the Public
Writer Culture & Arts Division
Subject - Cheongju University and Korea National University of Transportation Collaborated to Unveil Over 100 of Its Kind -

Cheongju City and Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation (hereinafter “Foundation“) collaborated with the region's universities to develop Cheongju chopsticks, which are attracting much attention from the public.
Cheongju chopsticks introduced at the special exhibition of「2017 Chopsticks Festival」range from cultural products to wrapping designs, which amount to over 100 kinds of them.
Crafts Major at Cheongju University and Communication Design Major at Korea National University of Transportation participated in this event. Cheongju University came up with cultural products using various materials and stories while Korea National University of Transportation created design products such as wrapping designs and posters using the region's cultural archetype.

The cultural products developed by the professors and students of both universities working together have been differentiated with their various subject matters and designs such as rice, Jikji (world's oldest metal-printed book), Hangeul (Korean alphabet), Giwa (Korean roof tiles), and dialects, which are touted as being worthy of the region's specialized resources. From Cheongju University, Professors Lee Gyu-nam (metal), Yoon Sang-hee (lacquer), and Kim Jun-yong (glass) participated, and from Korea National University of Transportation Professors Song Yeon-ho (design) and Chang Hyo-min (design) participated as advisers for product development.
The biggest eye-catcher were rice chopsticks which hold Sororibyeopssi (rice seed) and the spirit of Cheongju, the City of Life and Culture. They are made of metal, and each and every one of them has rice seeds attached to it. Chopstick rests are given the shape of rice and manufactured as detachable type, so that you can also use them on a picnic.

Chopsticks using Jikji and Hangeul are popular as well. Jikji Chopsticks each have Chinese Characters and Hangeul (‘白雲和尙抄錄佛祖直指心體要節(백운화상초록불조직지심체요절)' (
Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol) embossed on the finest metal. In addition, chopsticks using Hangeul have the words 'Sejongdaewang (King Sejong the Great)' and 'Hunminjeongeum (Korean script) carved in with superprecision technology, which displays the utmost exquisiteness and splendor. Chopsticks using Giwa of Hanok (traditional Korean style house), one of Korea's archetypes are receiving much attention as well.

Besides, design products and cultural products for wrapping and promoting chopsticks (spoon and chopsticks) are gaining much interest as well. Items such as chopstick cases, wrappers, eco-bags, and promotional posters made with young senses and ideas are being acknowledged as fun and creative. Also, magnets for tables and refrigerators, which use Chungcheong-do dialects, are well-liked as well.
Professor Lee Gyu-nam of Crafts Major at Cheongju University said, "Since last year, we are developing chopstick cultural products with our students, which hold the Cheongju spirit, and we've come a long way in terms of the achievements that we've made in a short period of time such as winning the Grand Prize at the 2017 Chungcheongbukdo Handcraft Contest and making a splash in expositions in the Seoul Metropolitan area." He went on to say, "Chopsticks with its high practicality and commerciality can lead to new startups and creative productions which therefore calls for active commercialization strategies."

Professor Song Yeon-ho of Major of Communication Design at Korea National University of Transportation stated, "The pros of chopstick design are that students can easily approach and enjoy them while also use their various imaginations." He also added, "I'd like to see more collaboration between local governments and universities so that chopstick content would not merely end up with simple educational achievements but move on to become future resources."
Meanwhile, Artist
Lee Jong-Guk's pepper tree prickly ash chopsticks and Artist
Kim Seongho's Jikji lacquer painted spoon and chopsticks sets reaped a profit of KRW 200million range in revenue in 1 year.
Cheongju city and the Foundation have decided to come up with measures to commercialize, industrialize, and globalize the Cheongju chopsticks introduced this year.

For more info: Culture & Art Team of
Culture & Arts Division at Cheongju City (☎043-201-2012) Content Promotion Team of Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation (☎043-219-1212)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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