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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju-si Striving to Improve Facilities at Traffic Accident-prone Locations
Writer Regional Development Division Road Safety Management Team
Subject - Expansion of Traffic Safety Facilities at 13 Sites including Bongmyeong Sageori -

To reduce traffic accidents and prevent accidents, Cheongju-si is investing KRW 1.12 billion in 13 places where traffic accidents are frequent.

The 13 target areas are ▲ Bongmyeong Sageori, ▲ Dong Seo Oriental Medical Sageori ~ Sachang District Office, ▲ Choi Hospital Sageori ~ Bokdae Sageori, ▲ Cheongju Intercity Bus Terminal Sageori, ▲ LOTTE Mart Sageori in Gagyeong-dong, ▲ Terminal Sageori, ▲ Agricultural and Fishery Market Samgeori, ▲ Gaesin Prugio Apts. Sageori, ▲ Cheongju St. Mary's Hospital Sageori, ▲ Seonghwa Jugong 503-dong Sageori, ▲ Bokdae Hyundai 1-cha Apts. Sageori, ▲ LOTTERIA in Sachang-dong, and ▲ Sachang Sageori.

The city has already completed the improvement plan and the implementation design through consultations with relevant agencies such as the Heungdeok Police Station and the Korea ROAD Traffic Authority to analyze the causes of the accidents at the places where traffic accidents are frequent.

The main contents of the project to improve the facilities of places where traffic accidents are frequent are ▲ installation of raised intersections for speed reduction, ▲ installation of safety fences for pedestrian safety, ▲ installation of anti-jaywalking fences to prevent jaywalking, ▲ painting the lanes to secure driver visibility, ▲ installation of traffic safety marks, ▲ installation of traffic lights,▲ installation of walking lights to prevent nighttime pedestrian crossing accidents, and ▲ installation of unmanned traffic enforce equipment to prevent traffic accidents resulting from signal violations and speeding.

Bongmyeong Sageori completed the facility improvement in September 2017. The city plans to complete the facility improvement for 12 places including Dong Seo Oriental Medical Sageori ~ Sachang Constabulary by November.

As a result of analyzing the effects of pre - and post - facility improvement, it is analyzed that the number of traffic accidents was reduced by 36.9%.

A city official said, "We are expecting to contribute greatly to the reduction of traffic accidents thanks to the facility improvement of places where traffic accidents are frequent. And we will do our best to protect the lives of citizens and create a safe traffic environment."

He added, "There is a limit to how much the enhancement and expansion of physical facilities can reduce traffic accidents", saying, “Citizens are encouraged to participate actively to reduce traffic accidents, as the improvement of citizens' consciousness, such as the citizens' observance of traffic regulations, is more important than anything else.”

▶ Inquiries: Regional Development Division Road Safety Management Team (☎201-2731)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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