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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title An Explosion of Water! ‘All-in’ on Preventing Secondary Damage through Full Preparations
Writer Disaster Situation Room
Subject - An Explosion of Water! ‘All-in’ on Preventing Secondary Damage through Full Preparations -

Despite the fact that flood restoration is incomplete, Cheongju-si continued to see an average of 31.88mm rainfall – up to 121mm (Miwon) - from the 23rd to the 25th, and rain is forecasted to continue falling in the weekend as well. As such, the disaster system is being reorganized to ensure that secondary torrential damages do not occur. The Disaster Situation Room is being operating continuously all day long through the implementation of an emergency duty system, and inspections of the management facilities of each department have been issued to ensure that drainage facilities, sewage facilities, river floodgates, rainwater detention facilities, and drainage pump stations can operate and react properly in instances of torrential downpours. In particular, officials have been designated to conduct on-site management and periodic inspections and prevent any secondary damages from occurring in public facilities that have already undergone or are undergoing emergency repair, and the decision to strengthen monitoring of flooded regions in lowlands according to the state of the weather. Additionally, a decision on whether or not operations could be performed will be made by promptly judging whether it is possible to work under raining conditions in order to prioritize the safety of volunteers and soldiers participating in the restoration activities above all else. Cheongju-si is still carrying out damage restoration activities in over 400 sites, and areas such as Nangseong, Miwon, and Osong-eup are still in need of much equipment and manpower.

▶ Contact: Disaster Situation Room (201-1657)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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