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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Okhwa National Forest Opens Water Park
Writer Forestry Recreation Team, Forestry Division
Subject - Operated for 5 Hours a Day, from 12 pm to 5 pm, from July 3 to August 31 –

Cheongju-si will be operating a water park for visitors of Okhwa National Forest for 5 hours a day, from 12 pm to 5 pm, for the period of 2 months between July 3 and August 31.

Anyone who visits Okhwa National Forest can enjoy pleasant forest walks and recreational activities to cool off the summer heat.

The size of the water park inside Okhwa National Forest is approximately 500m², with a water depth of 50 cm to 1 m, making it safe for children. It is popular among visitors every year, as anyone, from children to teenagers and even families, can enjoy it regardless of age or gender.

Cheongju-si put a lot of effort into supplementing the water park’s facilities to ensure water supply and increasing the convenience of users by expanding the underground water tube well and supplementary water supply facility last year. It will allow visitors to enjoy the water park in nature without any inconveniences.

The Citizen’s Leisure Auto Camping Ground within Okhwa National Forest also has a small pool for toddlers and children. This pool will go under the maintenance in early July and begin operating from mid-July. Visitors have a chance to enjoy both camping and water activities.

Reservations for Okhwa National Forest can be made through the website (http://okhwa.cheongju.go.kr) from 10 am on the 1st day of the previous month, and reservations are on a first come first service basis. Citizens of Cheongju can receive 30% discounts on accommodations from 5 days before the opening day of reservation.

A city personnel stated, “We are committed to becoming the best leisure spot this summer by providing top notch services that make the convenience and safety of users the number one priority through strict water-quality control and placement of lifeguards.”

Inquiry: Forestry Recreation Team, Forestry Division (☎043-201-2344)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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