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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Turning a Library into a Park, Enjoy Spring Picnic with Books
Writer Cheongju Municipal Library Book Keeping Department
Subject - Cheongju Municipal Library holds ‘Clear Village Book Festival’ in June –

Cheongju City will hold ‘Clear Village Book Festival’, which offers a variety of programs that all generations can enjoy to recognize the importance of books and promote reading.
Under the theme of ‘Cheongju Citizens Fall in Love with Books! Meeting a World of One’s Own,’ the festival is held at Yongam-dong municipal library and Jungheung Park on the 10th (Sat) and 11th (Sun) of June. The festival will offer a variety of events where people can see, hear, feel, taste, and enjoy to delight their five senses.
Starting from the ‘opening performances by Book-Sori Choir’, the festival will be followed by ‘Our Town’s Library Concert,’ performed by Cheongju Civic Chorale, beautiful ensemble performances by Cheongju Korean Music Orchestra and Cheongju City Dance Theater, and a creative play ‘Fly, Fly, Let’s Fly Once Again,’ which is the gemlike works by the greatest poets who died young recomposed into a literary play, will offer great fun and joy to the audience.

Moreover, a popular lecturer of a TV show, ‘Happened to be an Adult’ and cognitive psychologist, professor Kyungil Kim will give a lecture on humans’ senses and psychology, and Go Dae-yeong, a famous author of popular children’s picture book series ‘Ji-Won and Byung-Gwan,’ which is beloved for being close to a real stories around us, will give a lecture, and Kim Yeong-jin, the author of ‘Mom, Do You Think of Me at Work?’ will give a lecture on the process of writing a picture book where people can share diverse ideas and thoughts to create and grow their dreams. The event will start to recruit participants from the end of May through advance application on the Cheongju Municipal Library website.
Families can enjoy various programs where they could build precious memories using books as the medium. At the Book Playground, which is in harmony with nature, authors of picture books read their books to children, and there is a ‘Children’s Picture Book Zone’ where children can enjoy reading together with their moms and dads. Moreover, more than 10 publishers of children’s books including Gilbut Children Publishing, Hollym, and Gimmyoungjr will participate and provide various information on books. Furthermore, an exhibition about Uzbekistan, ‘Shalom, Uzbekistan!’ will offer various lives and culture of Uzbekistan, and 3D virtual aquarium will offer unique experience to children with realistic experience.
In addition, food trucks and food exploration programs related to picture books will satisfy taste buds of visitors, and a food festival where visitors can have a good time for being delicious will be held as well.
An event where residents can participate, and feel share their feelings will be held as well. A flea market where residents can exchange their books will make people truly acknowledge the value of sharing while contributing to sharing information and knowledge. Plus, a special booth of local book stores that can boost love of hometown and contribute to the vitalization of local economy will be operated.
Also, ‘Wonderful Art’ outdoor gallery, in connection with Cheongju Art Studio, and ‘Art Flea Market’ together with the local artists will display artworks in the woods where people can feel the peaceful vibe.
Any citizen of Cheongju City can participate in the festival and detailed information and participation methods will be announced on the Cheongju Municipal Library website in mid-May, and brochures will be placed at local eup and myeon offices and dong community service centers in Cheongju City.
A staff member of Cheongju Municipal Library said, “We prepared this event to offer special moments and memories to families where they can get close to books in a unique way, like enjoying a spring picnic,” and added, “We hope ‘Clear Village Book Festival’ will be a unique and original book festival that reflects identity of citizens of Cheongju City, and the library, a cultural playground where people can have fun with books and many cultural events, expands further.”
▶ Inquiries: Cheongju Municipal Library Book Keeping Department (☎ 201-4065)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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