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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City will Start an Exchange Program with Thailand
Writer Culture & Arts Team, Culture & Arts Division
Subject - Deputy Mayor Lee Beom-seok will visit Chonburi Province’s municipal government and The SUPPORT Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand to discuss measures to implement an exchange and cooperation program –

Cheongju City will start a full-scale exchange program with Chonburi Province, which is a province in Thailand famous for tourism and industrialization, and the SUPPORT Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand.
Deputy Mayor Lee Beom-seok visited Chonburi Province and The SUPPORT Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand (SACICT) and discussed measures for continuous exchange and cooperation.
He visited Chonburi Province and had a meeting with the Governor Pakarathon Tienchai, and discussed measures to promote Cheongju City in the region and continuous exchanges and cooperation between the two regions. He suggested industrial exchanges in beauty and bio industry, cultural exchanges among the youth, and exchanges in traditional craftsmanship. The Governor Pakarathon Tienchai stated that he will also make preparations to visit Cheongju City within this year to come up with detailed plans for sustained exchange and sign the agreement. Chonburi Province is located in the Eastern part of Thailand and the city of Pattaya, a recreational city is located in this province. Tourism, manufacturing, and handcraft are thriving here, which is known as the city with greatest potential for growth in Thailand. Deputy Mayor Lee visited The SUPPORT Arts and Crafts International Centre of Thailand (SACICT), which belongs to the Thai Royal Family, as well to promote 10th Cheongju Craft Biennale, which will be held this fall, and suggested participating in the Biennale, and continuous cultural exchanges between the two organizations.

In particular, considering Thailand’s high quality of handcrafts and Cheongju City’s handcraft artists from diverse areas, he suggested exchange visits and holding workshop and symposium on a regular basis.
The SACICT Director Amparwon agreed to send traditional handcraft artists of Thailand to 10th Cheongju Craft Biennale, and cooperate to hold exhibitions there, and he will actively consider exchange visits of craftsmen.
SACICT is located in Ayutthaya Province near Bangkok, and it is an organization that supports creative activities by the Thai traditional craftsmen, and performs art collaboration projects, and international exchange programs for traditional craftsmen. In particular, it is a public institution that aims to commercialize Thailand’s traditional crafts, doing various businesses including exhibitions, developing new convergence products, supporting designs of crafts, operating a permanent shopping malls, and global marketing.
Deputy Mayor Lee said, “During this visit, we successfully promoted our content regarding chopsticks, Cheongju City and Cheongju Craft Biennale,” and added, “Especially, visiting and starting a conversation with Chonburi Province and SACICT about a sustained exchange and cooperation is a meaningful achievement.”
▶ Inquiries: Culture & Arts Team, Culture & Arts Division (☎043-201-2014)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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