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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Operating Park Eco Programs Enjoyed Together with Forest Interpreter
Writer Park Management Team, Parks & Forests Division
Subject - At the Old Sangdangsanseong Fortress Trail, Munam Ecology Park, and Solbat Park from April to November –

Cheongju City is operating Park Eco Programs Enjoyed Together with Forest Interpreter from April to November to inform people of the value and function of parks and eco-environment.

It is operated in a total of 3 places - Old Sangdangsanseong Fortress Trail, Munam Ecology Park, and Solbat Park.

There are a total of 5 programs, which are ▲Happy Eco-experience, ▲Saturday Family Forest Hiking, ▲Healing! Office Worker Forest Experience, ▲Green Mom Eco-Experience, ▲Fun with Insects Class, and ▲Easy Making Nature Class.

The Happy Eco-experience program is performed at Old Sangdangsanseong Fortress Trail, Munam Ecology Park, and Solbat Park every Monday to Friday from April to November. Nature ecology interpretation is conducted for 30 citizens (group) per session.
The Saturday Family Forest Hiking program is performed at Old Sangdangsanseong Fortress Trail and Munam Ecology Park every second Saturday of the month from April to November. Forest interpretation is performed for 30 people of family groups per session.
The Healing! Office Worker Forest Experience program carries out forest interpretation for 5 citizens (office workers) per session at Solbat Park every Monday to Friday from April to November.
The Green Mom Eco-experience program carries out forest interpretation for 10 housewives per session at Munam Ecology Park every Tuesday from April to November.
At Fun with Insects Classes, insect classes are held for 10 elementary school students per session at Munam Ecology Park from July to August.
Easy Making Nature Classes are held for 10 housewives per session at Munam Ecology Park from July to August, where students learn to make objects of nature.

Any Cheongju citizen can participate in these programs for free. Applications are accepted by phone (Parks & Forests Division ☎201-2822, Old Sangdangsanseong Trail ☎221-5919, and Munam Ecology Park & Solbat Park ☎271-5925), fax (201-2829), or at the site.
A city official stated that “This program will serve as an opportunity to raise the creativity as well as the environmental sensitivity of the citizens.”

▶ Inquiries: Park Management Team, Parks & Forests Division (☎201-2822)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2524

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