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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Life Culture City Cheongju Gathers Momentum in Specialization of Chopsticks Content
Writer Information and Communication Division
Subject - The President of Japan’s NPO International Hashi Cultural Association Visited Cheongju and Promised to Actively Cooperate in Academics, Education, Development and Sales of Commodities, and More –

The chopsticks content project, which is being implemented by Cheongju City to globalize its brand as a life culture city, has gained momentum.

President Hyogo Uratani of Japan’s NPO International Hashi Cultural Association visited Cheongju on the 14th and met with Cheongju Mayor Lee Sung Hun to agree to actively cooperate in the globalization of chopsticks content. President Hyogo Uratani is also the president of Hyozaemon, the largest chopsticks production and distribution company in Japan.

President Hyogo Uratani and Cheongju Mayor Lee Sung Hun decided to publish the ‘Korea-China-Japan Chopstick Story’ series in 3 different languages – Korean, Chinese, and Japanese – starting from this year. The books will be published according to themes such as the history of chopsticks, culture, education, and cuisines of the 3 countries (Korea, China, and Japan). The necessary budget will be jointly funded by Cheongju City and Japan’s NPO International Hashi Cultural Association.

Along with this, it was agreed that ‘table manners education’ was important, and decided that both organizations would cooperate to develop and operate chopstick education programs for children and others. In this regard, it was agreed that the research teams and information necessary for this matter would be shared, and that the programs would be actively revitalized through the likes of mutual visits.

In particular, it was decided that the chopsticks cultural commodities developed by the artists in the Cheongju region would be displayed and sold at major stores of Japan’s Hyozaemon. To implement this, President Hyogo Uratani began actual work for the distribution in the Japanese market by holding a meeting with the artists in the Cheongju region and visiting major workshops. Currently in Cheongju, figures such as Chiljang Kim Seong-ho, Yugijang Park Sang-tae,
Boudoir Craft Lee So Ra, and
Chinese Pepper Tree Chopstick
Lee Jong Guk are participating in developing chopsticks cultural commodities.

In addition, President Hyogo Uratani promised to actively support chopstick masters, chopstick materials, art commodities, and more from Japan for the successful holding of the Chopstick Day events on November 11, and to lead the way in actively cooperating with the Japanese government for Chopsticks Culture to be included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage.

President Hyogo Uratani said, “Cheongju City is making chopsticks content and chopsticks culture widely known to the world and specializing them just 2 years after holding the
Chopsticks Festival, and I respect its positive drive”, and added, “I think it was possible due to the passion and efforts of the artists and active participation of the citizens.”

Cheongju Mayor Lee Sung Hun said, “Confrontation and conflict among the 3 countries – Korea, China, and Japan – continues to exist, and these days China is stopping various exchanges over its issues with the THAAD deployment, and I believe we should cure these problems and create a new value of community through cultural exchanges and cooperation”, and added, “Chopsticks content has the characteristics of history and culture, fun and empathy, education and industry, and communication and expansion, so if we work together, it could become a world-renowned resource.”

▶ Inquiries: Culture & Arts Team,
Culture & Arts Division (☎043-201-2014)

Content Promotion Team,
Cheongju Cultural Industry Promotion Foundation (☎043-219-1212)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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