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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City Steps up Its Efforts to Implement ‘Smart e-Government to Make Citizens Happy’
Writer Information Planning Team, Information and Communication Division
Subject - Implementation of Various ICT Support Projects such as Providing High Quality Administrative Information -

Cheongju City is planning to implement ICT support project in various fields to expand and build informatization infrastructure and resolve information gap for information disadvantaged groups in order to implement Smart e-Government to Make Citizens Happy, this year.

‣ Expand and Build Smart Information Infrastructure
Cheongju City is planning to expand and build smart information infrastructure to live up to the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
First, as a basic informatization and smart city action plan project, domestic and overseas informatization status and conditions will be analyzed for 940.3㎢ of Cheongju region for 5 years from 2018 to 2022 spending KRW 99 million, and new ICT technology will be applied, to establish a systematic and concrete informatization plan which Cheongju-si should proceed into.
In addition, following Public Wi-Fi Project organized by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP), which started in 2010 and completed in 2016, ‘Smart Tourism Giga Wi-Fi’ project will be implemented, which the City will spend KRW 40 million to install free Wi-Fi Zone in 2 places including Suam-gol, to provide convenience and promotion for the smartphone users visiting those tourist spots.

‣ Making Efforts in Every Direction to Resolve Information Gap for the Information Disadvantaged Groups
Following last year, the City is planning to actively support various content to resolve information gap for the information disadvantaged groups and improve the level of information.
At the Citizens, Bukbu, Nambu, Naesu, Osong, and Nami Information Education Centers in the district of Cheongju City, KRW 234 million will be spent to open 11 lectures including Basic Computer, Using Internet, and Excel, to conduct education all the year round.
In addition, of the people who are vision impaired, physically disabled, have brain lesion, hearing impaired, and have language disorders, for those who desire, 70 ICT auxiliary devices will be supplied, and the City is also planning for Sharing PC of Love Project for the child head of the household, disabled, basic livelihood security recipients, and social welfare facilities.
Further, to improve web accessibility for the website information disadvantaged groups, accessibility will be enhanced for all the netizens, and various content will be added. The City will give its best efforts to obtain Standard Quality Certification Mark for Web Accessibility this year also, after receiving it in 2016.
In particular, Introduction of Text to Speech Solution for the Hearing Impaired Project is to purchase S/W that could generate text to speech code, which will be used for The Cheongju Citizen News and many others.

‣ Provision of High Quality Administrative Information Service Fast and Conveniently
With the goal of nonstop administrative service, the City will spend KRW 1.055 billion to provide high quality administrative service fast and conveniently.
Old computer equipment, such as PCs and printers, will be replaced, and operational environment for the Sotongpaldal Electronic Document Distribution System will be established to provide IT-based service environment and expand communication windows with the citizens.
In addition, websites and systems for each field, including Cheongju City representatives and foreign languages, will be operated and the requests in the citizens’ survey questionnaire of 2016 will be actively reflected to operate citizen participating internet website. This coming October, the City will have an event for the revitalization of the website for all netizens.
This year, as a major city policy, the City will introduce ‘Statistical Analysis System for the Website Users’, to operate the website scientifically and systematically, and to establish operational directions of the service through the characteristics and analysis of the city website visitors.

‣ Thorough Operation of Information and Communication Security System
As ICT industry is continuously developing, the importance of ICT security is even more emphasized. Thus, the City will expand the projects this year and spend total project cost of KRW 550 million to implement ICT Network & Security System Operational Management Project (KRW 350 million) and Function Supplementation of Security System to Respond to Cyberattacks Project (KRW 200 million)
Function Supplementation of Security System to Respond to Cyberattacks Project is to establish a thorough security control system through the preparation of measures on vulnerable & omitted sections of security. Through this project, security system to respond to cyberattacks will be built, security devices for the Automated Civil Service Machines will be installed, and old network devices will be replaced.
Director Cho Yongjin of Information and Communication Division said, “We will do our best to stably provide administrative information supplied in various channels, using the ICT technology,” and added, “In particular, we will actively provide support from diverse aspects so that information disadvantaged groups will not be left out.”

▶ Inquiries: Information Planning Team, Information and Communication Division (☎201-1312)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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