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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City focuses all efforts on creating a city where women feel safe.
Writer Division of Women and Family, Bureau of Welfare and Education, Division of Forest Management, Bureau of Agricultural Policies, Division of Park Greenery
Subject - Manless package delivery system, emergency bells in restrooms and guideposts on hiking trails

Cheongju City is pouring all efforts in making the City a safe place for women. Manless package delivery system, emergency bells in restrooms and guideposts on hiking trails are all parts of such efforts.

△ Receiving packages at home is no longer a scary experience The manless package delivery system went into a pilot stage since February. The system was launched to help women who live alone feel safe against crimes where offenders disguise themselves as package delivery men.
At present, the storage box for a manless package delivery system is installed at the local residents’ center in Saching-Dong, Seowon-Gu and at the Heungdeok Library located in Bokdae 1 Dong, Heungdeok-Gu. As of end of July, a total number of 2035 cases have been processed through the system.
Users only need to designate their package pickup place among the two centers at Sachang-Dong, Seowon-Gu 108, Cheongju City or Heungdeok Library at Jeungan-Ro 90 Gil 34, Heungdeok-Gu, Cheongju City.
Once a package is deliverd, the relevant information and authentication number are sent to the mobile phone and the recipient can retrieve the package by inputting the authentication number at the storage place.
There is no need to meet a delivery man and one can pick up the package whenever is most convenient for herself. The storage centers are run 24 hours a day for free. However, if the package is not picked up within 48 hours, a fee of 1,000 Won is charged for each day passed. The City plans to increase the number of package storage centers if the pilot receives good reviews from users.

△Renewal of the restrooms in parks
Restrooms in parks are also being renewed to make them safer.
Recently, 180 million Won was spent on improving three restrooms at the Sangdang-Gu Central Park and Heungdeok Pungnyeongol Park. Specifically, emergency bells have been installed to prevent crime against women and cubicle walls and ceilings have been replaced. The City plans to install more emergency bells in consultation with the local police station. Renewals of restrooms in parks will continue to offer a cleaner and more conveneint environment for citizens.

△ Safer hiking trails New guide posts have been installed on hiking trails to provide a safer hiking experience for women. Cheongju City installed the posts on seven spots including Sangdang Fortress. The posts include guidelines on preventing crimes on hiking trails to ensure a safe hiking experience for women.’ The posts were installed after consultation with three police stations including Cheongwon Police Station to protect vulnerable people such as the elderly or women, as crimes against them created worries within the community.
The posts mention ▷Ways to collect information on hiking trails and weather before the actual hiking ▷Advice on not to enter areas that are not designated hiking trails ▷Avoiding hiking during early or late hours ▷Avoiding hiking alone ▷Reporting to 112 or the mobile reporting app if a suspicious person or crime is witnessed. ▷Safety guidelines on how to prepare appropriate hiking equipment. The City is also doing its best to ensure a safe environment by removing weeds along the hike. A representative of the City noted, “Korean society overall is very concerned about crimes against women which we are seeing an increase of. Cheongju City is determined to make multifaceted efforts to create an urban environment where women can feel safe in.”

Inquiries : Women’s Policy Team, Division of Women and Family, Bureau of Welfare and Education (☎201-1913)
Inquiries : Forest Management Team, Division of Forest Management, Bureau of Agricultural Policies (☎201-2344)
Inquiries : Park Management Team, Division of Park Greenery (☎201-2824)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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