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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju City is working hard on supplying safe tap water
Writer Division of Worktasks
Subject - The City operates a comprehensive water purification plant with a mobile maintenance and repair team on 24/7 stand-by. Considerate policies are also gaining attention.

Cheongju City Waterworks Headquarters (headed by Junghun Lee) is working hard on supplying safe tap water to citizens. The City had experienced a shortage of water last year. Since then, a thorough review of facilities and supervision of construction, as well as virtual training and crisis response training have helped improve their response skills to address situations that could occur. The Headquarters will start operating a new comprehensive water purification plant and offer new and considerate policies for citizens.

▶ With a comprehensive water purification plant, a new history of waterworks is written. The City opened last May the comprehensive water purification plant at Jibuk-Dong 20, after an investment of 124 billion Won. The plant is located on a site of 214,074㎡, with a capacity to purify 125,000 tons of water each day. The facilities include an administrative building, chemical input building, rapid speed filtering building, water transport pump building and a spin-dry building. With the completion of a sophisticated and modern comprehensive water purification plant, the City can now supply high quality tap water to the citizens. This will help eradicate any distrust in tap water and write a new history in the technological development of waterworks in Korea.

▶ Focus on a stable supply of clean water The City will invest a total of 95 million Won this year to replace or repair the water conversion facilities at 150 places. By last month, delapidated facilities at 78 places were replaced or repaired. The project is scheduled to be completed by the beginning of winter. The project will replace delapidated or damaged water banks and water conversion facilities to reduce water loss and waste, while ensuring the safety of vehicles or pedestrians nearby.

In addition, the City is making prompt movements to address the odorous water flow from the Daecheong Lake. Cheongju Waterworks Headquarters inserted active coal on August 1 to prevent bad odor from contaminating tap water. In 2017, the highly sophisticated water purification facility is slated for completion which will contribute to completely eradicating any odor in the water. By the 12th of this month, a water quality review will be conducted on 277 smaller scale waterwork facilities in rural areas. This inspection will help prevent any contagious diseases from breaking out while ensuring the supply of safe drinking water.

▶ The waterworks mobile repair team is on, 24/7 throughout the year! The City launched in July the “24/7 Waterworks Mobile Repair Team’ to better address citizens’ complaints about the water system and had an official kickoff ceremony. The Team consists of 10 members who rotate day and night shifts throughout the year, allowing them to address any issues day or night, and even on weekends or public holidays. Any inquiries or reports can be made on the water system by contacting the Mobile Repair Team at (☎043-257-7979).

▶ Waterworks Headquarters’ policies to take the persepctive of the citizens are gaining attention. The City has been operating a shuttle between the bus stop of the Waterworks Headquarters and the Comprehensive Water Purification plant since August 1. Without the bus, a walk of 1,500 meters is required. The Waterworks Headquarters started provding shuttle service to reduce the inconvenience that citizens might face by walking the distance on hot summer days. A notice about the shuttle service has been posted at ▲ the bus stop of Waterworks Headquarters and ▲ the entrance of the former Jibuk Water Purification Plant. Those who wish to take the shuttle for free can refer to these notices and make a call to (☎043-201-4466,4468).

The Waterworks Headquarters have also announced a ‘policy of processing citizens’ complaints without any in-person visits’ so that those who have submitted a request or complaint do not have to visit the Headquarters in person. A notice regarding the detailed policy will be included in the water utility bill. Inquiries can be made to (☎043-201-4484~7) in advance for a smoother process.

The citizens’ service counter has also become more user-friendly. A smartphone charging booth has been installed at the citizens’ service counter. The Headquarters installed the charging booth with a capacity to charge three Android devices and one iPhone simultaneously last July. Even though it’s just a small gesture, it has received acclaim from visitors for the consideration shown by the Headquarters.

The head of the Waterworks Headquarters Junghun Lee stated, “we will continue to work on developing policies and programs to provide the best services to citizens and to ensure that they are drinking safe and clean tap water 365 days a year.”

Inquiries : Operation Team, Division of Worktasks (☎201-4461)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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