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분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title A smoother traffic between Mushimdongro and Ochang Interchange
Writer Division of Roads and Facilities
Subject - A new four lane road will start to be built later this year.

A four lane road that connects the center of Cheongju City to Ochang in a short distance of 5km is expected to allow drivers quicker transport.

Cheongju City (Mayor Seunghun Lee) announced on the fourth that the plan has been selected as part of the ‘Fourth Five Year Priority Plan for National Highways’ and passed the final review of the Ministry of Planning and Finance.

This project is aimed at building the nationally sponsored regional highway (line number 96) as set out by the Ministry of Land and Transportation. It will connect Mushimdongro (eight lane road) at the end of Songcheon Bridge on the Cheongju second circulatory highway. It goes through Jeongbuk Toseong and Mihocheon all the way to Ochang Interchange in a four lane highway. A total of 97 billion Won will be invested by year 2020 to buid it out.

The project to build out nationally sponsored regional highways is entirely subsidized by national coffers and thus regional governments are often in heated competition to lure such a project to their area. Cheongju City was selected as a recipient and thus will receive approximately 60 billion Won in subsidies for design and construction costs.

To realize this project, Mayor Seunghun Lee visited in person the Ministry of Planning and Finance on the first and frequently met with officials in the Ministry of Land and Transportation and the Ministry of Planning and Finance to forge a relationship and persuade them. Word has it that it has been his pet project into which he poured in all his efforts for the past year.

As the project gained its final approval from the Ministry of Planning and Finance, the project will be able to be launched later this year with the budget of the Ministry of Land and Transportation. The design will be completed by the end of next year and construction will begin in earnest in 2018.

Ochang Eup has seen continuous growth around the Ochang Science Complex since it was integrated into the same administrative region as Cheongju and Cheongwon in July, 2014. As of June 30, 2016, Ochang has grown into one of the most densely populated area with a population of 58,921, but before the temporary opening of the third roundabout road end of January and the opening of the LG Road, it was also referrd to as the hot point creating severe traffic congestion along the number 17 highway. This limited accessibility for many.

Now that the new road will be built to connect Ochang and downtown Cheongju along the shortest route, if the third detour route between Hyu Am and Odong scheduled to open on the 31st is taken, then not only the residents of Ochang but commuters to Jincheon or Eumseong who take the Central Mid Highway will also be able to make a faster transit. The road is expected to see a high usage rate, leading to an eased burden for the line 17.

A representative of the City noted that “this project will accelerate a more balanced development of the northern Cheongju region including Osan and will increase accessibility for residents of the region. It is a large scale project that will provide a boost to further regional development that had been seeing a downturn recently.”

Meanwhile, a total of 12 projects had entered into the competition to be selected as part of the project to build a nationally sponsored regional highway (line 96) but after heated competition, only two projects were selected in the end.

Inquiries : Broader Region Road Team, Division of Roads and Facilities (☎201-2871)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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