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Cheongju City


분양 및 준공예정 아파트 현황

Community - City News 상세보기 - Title, Writer, Subject, File 제공
Title Cheongju Citizen Attracts Qingdao
Writer Culture and arts Division
Subject Cheongju Citizen Attracts Qingdao
- To celebrate Qingdao Culture Week, photo exhibitions and performances held for 3 days from July 23

The citizen of Cheongju, 2015 Culture City of East Asia, will visit Qingdao, China, to show the soul of art Cheongju-si is proud of.

Artists, photographers, and civic performance teams of Cheongju-si will visit Qingdao from July 23 to July 25 for Qindao Culture Week to expand international exchange business with the city.

A photo exhibition will be held in Qingdao Municipal Art Gallery that shows the historical culture and cityscape of Cheongju, Qingdao, and Nigata, where photographers of Cheongju, Sanghun Kim and Hyunseok Han will participate.

They will introduce various sceneries of Cheongju and a story of life in it with the 4 following concepts: History and Story, Nature and Life, Space and Love, Human and Future, and Culture and Art.

Qingdao Gamok Art Gallery will hold an exhibition of watercolors where watercolor artists of Cheongju, Qingdao, and Nigata will participate.

In Cheongju, watercolor works of 20 artists. including Geunyoung Jo, president of art association of Chengju, Yujung Lee, and Gyuseol Jung, will be put on display.

In the evening on July 24, a special performance will be held at Qingdao People's Convention Center to celebrate Week of Culture, including a traditional music group, Siarnuri, and samulnori team of Chengju Agriculture High School awarded the grand prize for teenagers in the civic club contest last May in Cheongju to boast the amusement and beauty of Cheongju.

On the other hand, Mayor of Cheongju Seunghun Lee will visit Qingdao during the period to meet city officials of Qingdao and representatives of Qingdao Airport Corporation and discuss exchange business between two cities.

Also, Mayor Lee will visit the city government to make a request for positive support for businessmen from Cheongju and suggest cultural and economic exchange programs.

Apart from this, he will visit Quidao Airport Corporation to discuss a plan of exchange between Cheongju Airport and Qingdao Airport.

"This Qingdao event is held for mutual exchange, as an extension of last May's Week of Culture in Cheongju participated by the 3 culture cities of East Asia," said a city official, "the event will be an opportunity to introduce diverse citizen-centric contents and cultural value of Cheongju.

▶Contact: Secretariat of the Organizing Committee of The Culture City of East Asia (☎201-2018)
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담당자 정보

  • 담당부서 : 공동주택과
  • 담당자 : 홍순기
  • 문의전화(043) : 201-2513

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